Examinations terms
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Faculty of Chemical Technology
Faculty of Environmental Technology
Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Dean's Office of Faculty of Environmental Technology (251)
Department of Environmental Chemistry (240)
Department of Power Engineering (218)
Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology (241)
Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry (228)
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Basic Methods of Water Analysis - AB217001
Hydrochemistry - AB217003
Water Management in Smart Cities - AB217004
Technical microbiology and hydrobiology - AB217008
Technologies for Production of Biogas and Biomethane - AB217009
Environmental Chemistry - AB217015
Groundwater Treatment - AMI00215
Biological Wastewater Treatment - AM217003
Water Management in Industry - AM217005
Special Methods Water Analysis - AM217008
Water Analysis - AM217010
Water Analysis - Laboratory - AM217012
Sludge Management - AM217019
Waste Water Treatment - AM217026
Water Treatment - AM217027
Communication and Writing Skills for Engineers I - AM217029
Laboratory of Sustainability Development - AM217030
Basics of Control Engineering - AM217031
Interdisciplinary Project I - AM217032
Introduction to laboratory practice - AM217033
Applied Hydrochemistry - AP217001
Technical Microbiology - AP217002
Biological Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - AP217003
Anaerobic Biotechnology - AP217004
Applied and Technical Hydrobiology - AP217005
Drinking Water Treatment - AP217006
Water Management in Industry - AP217007
Physico-chemical Wastewater Treatment - AP217008
Basic Methods of Water Analysis - B217001
Industrial Wastewaters - B217002
Hydrochemistry - B217003
Water Management in Smart Cities - B217004
Wastewater treatment - B217005
Water Treatment - B217006
Water Resources Protection - B217007
Technical microbiology and hydrobiology - B217008
Technologies for Production of Biogas and Biomethane - B217009
Water Management - B217010
Water in the Landscape - B217011
Water Management Project - B217012
Basics of Hydrochemistry - B217013
Adaptation of water management to climate change - B217014
Environmental Chemistry - B217015
Microscopic analysis of activated sludge and floating materials - CZV217001
Microscopic course in hydrobiology - CZV217002
Kurz Bezpečnost práce v laboratoři a základní chemické výpočty - CZV217003
Principles of good laboratory practice (QA/QC) in biology and microbiology - CZV217004
Water analysis basic methods in theory and practise - CZV217005
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering Summer Academy - CZV217006
Principles of hydrobiology and microbiology in water technology - CZV217007
Hydrochemistry and hydroanalytics - CZV217008
Microbiology and technical hydrobiology - CZV217009
Water treatment, distribution and protection technology - CZV217010
Waste water treatment technology - CZV217011
Water in Industrial Pharmacy - M217001
Distribution Networks and Sewerage - M217002
Biological Wastewater Treatment - M217003
Design of Biological Wastewater Treatment Plants - M217004
Water Management in Industry - M217005
Drinking Water Treatment and Supply - M217006
Technological Calculations and Mathematical Modelling in Wastewater Treatment - M217007
Special Methods Water Analysis - M217008
Microbiology in Water Technology - M217009
Water Analysis - M217010
Hydrobiology and Microbiology: Laboratory - M217011
Water Analysis - Laboratory - M217012
Water Technology: Laboratory - M217013
Hydrology and Pedology - M217014
Hydrobiology - M217015
Physico-chemical Methods of Wastewater Treatment - M217016
Biodegradation and Ecotoxicity - M217017
Anaerobic Digestion Processes for Wastewater Treatment - M217018
Sludge Management - M217019
Water Technology: Pre-diploma Seminar - M217020
Water Technology: Laboratory Project I - M217021
Water Technology: Seminar to Project - M217022
Water Technology: Laboratory Project II - M217023
Wastewater Treatment Technology - M217025
Laboratory of Sustainability Development - M217030
Introduction to laboratory practice - M217033
Water Technology: Project - M217034
Water Technology: Laboratory Project - M217035
Applied Hydrochemistry - P217001
Technical Microbiology - P217002
Biological Wastewater Treatment and Reuse - P217003
Anaerobic Biotechnology - P217004
Applied and Technical Hydrobiology - P217005
Drinking Water Treatment - P217006
Water Management in Industry - P217007
Physico-chemical Wastewater Treatment - P217008
Bartáček Jan
Bindzar Jan
Jeníček Pavel
Kujalová Hana
Pečenka Martin
Pokorná Dana
Pokorná Lucie
Růžičková Iveta
Říhová Ambrožová Jana
Smrčková Štěpánka
Sýkora Vladimír
Šmejkalová Pavla
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