SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Teachers, academic year 2019/2020
Bártová Darina Ing. Mgr. Ph.D.
Additional information:  
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Department: Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics (446)
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFaculty4EU+
detail N445081 Information Engineering Project II winter winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445021 Experimental Identification winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445089 Algorithmization and programming in Matlab winter winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445011 Presentation Skills winter winter s.:1/3, MC [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail B445004 Computer Graphics summer summer s.:1/3, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail M445001 Graphic in Enginnering Study summer summer s.:1/3, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445002 Algorithms and Programming summer summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445006 Computer Graphics summer summer s.:1/3, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail N445013 Modelling Mathematical Processes summer summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail B445053 Advanced MATLAB course and introduction to image analysis summer summer s.:0/15, MC [HS] 599 FCHI no
detail M445005 Modelling Mathematical Processes summer summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail P445005 Modelling of Technological Processes both 3/0, other [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail AP445005 Modelling of Technological Processes both 3/0, other [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail D445004 Modelling of Technological Processes both 0/0, other [HT] 445 FCHI no
detail B445001 Computer Practice both 0/3, MC [HT] 445 FCHI no