The course Membrane and sorption processes in water treatment deals with the the separation of ionic components of water by the chemical and physico-chemical methods. The main attention of the course is dedicated to ion exchange and membrane processes.
Last update: Parschová Helena (15.01.2015)
R:Jelínek L. a kol.,Desalinační a separační metody v úpravě vody,VŠCHT Praha,2008,9788070807057 R:Helfferich F.,Ion Exchange,New York,Dover Publications,1995,0486687848 R:Bernauer B. a kol.,Membránové procesy,VŠCHT Praha,2012,9788070808085 R:Samuelson O.,Měniče iontů v analytické chemii,Praha SNTL,1966,0461466 R:Marhol, M. Měniče iontů v chemii a radiochemii, Praha,ACADEMIA,1976,2100276 A:Vošta J..Matějka Z.,Macák J.,Energetika,VŠCHT Praha,1999,8070803584 A:Hübner P. a kol.,Úprava vody pro průmyslové účely,Praha,VŠCHT,2006,8070806249 A:Baker R.W.,Membrane Technology and Applications, 2nd ed.,New York,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,2004,0470854456 A:Porter M.C.,Handbook of Industrial Membrane Technology, New Jersey,William Andrew Publishing/Noyes,1990,0815512058 Last update: Juklíčková Hana (14.06.2017)
Acceptable test score
Acceptable score in oral examination Last update: Parschová Helena (02.02.2015)
1. Distillation 2. Precipitation processes 3. Electrochemical processes 4. Membrane processes - principles, characteristics, usability 5. Electromembrane processes - electrodialysis, electrodeionization 6. Pressure driven membrane processes - reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration 7. Ion exchange, properties of ion exchangers, equilibrium, selectivity, kinetics and column dynamic of ion exchange 8. Operation of ion-exchange column - sorption, washing, regeneration, washing 9. Ion-exchange processes - softening, decarbonization, deionization, demineralization 10. Selective sorption and separation of metals by ion exchange, chelating exchangers 11. Selective sorption of anions. Inorganic sorbents - properties and using 12. Removal of organic substances from water; clarification, organic scavengers, nonionic sorbents 13. Preparation of ultrapure water, drinking water treatment by ion exchange resins 14. Combined processes Last update: Parschová Helena (15.01.2015)
http://vydavatelstvi.vscht.cz/knihy/uid_isbn-978-80-7080-705-7/pages-img/index.html Last update: Parschová Helena (02.02.2015)