The course is focused on the preparation and characterization of active sites (protons, cations, clusters) localized in nanoporous matrices of zeolites (and related materials) mesoporous molecular sieves and MOFs (metal organic frameworks) and their application in catalysis, separations and high-tech.
Last update: Kubová Petra (27.11.2015)
A.W. Chester, E.G. Derouane: Zeolite Characterization and Catalysis, Springer 2009. M. Che, J.C. Vedrine: Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysis 1, 2, Wiley-VCH2012. J. Weitkamp, L. Puppe: Catalysis and Zeolites, Springer 1999. J. Čejka, J. Perez-Pariente, W.J. Roth: Zeolites: from Model Materials to Industrial Catalysts, transwork Research Network, 2008. Last update: Kubová Petra (27.11.2015)
1.Zeolites, zeotypes a and their amorphous analogues (from the pore structure to the structure on atomic level) 2.Mesoporous molecular sieves 3.MOFs (metal-organic frameworks) 4.Framework and extraframework centers in micro- and mesoporous inorganic matrices, defects 5.Synthesis of micro- and mesoporous inorganic materials 6.Modification of micro- and mesoporous inorganic materials 7.Methods of characterization of active sites (protons, cations, clusters) localized in matrices and of matrices 8.Application of matrices with active sites in acidobasic catalysis 9. Application of matrices with active sites in redox catalysis 10. Application of matrices with active sites in sorption, separation, gas storage and high-tech (sensors, optoelectronic devices, luminescence) Last update: Kubová Petra (27.11.2015)
Students will be able to: Describe the structure of micro- and mesoporous inorganic matrices and active sites localized in these matrices. Describe methods of synthesis of individual types of micro- and mesoporous inorganic materials, of their modifications and of the formation of active sites on an atomic level. Suggest approaches for the characterization of active sites of different structure localized in individual micro- and mesoporous inorganic matrices. Describe the knowledge base of the application of processes employing active sites in micro- and mesoporous inorganic matrices in catalysis, separation and high-tech. Last update: Kubová Petra (27.11.2015)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Oral examination | 100 |