Subject provides knowledges of theoreticel principles of corrosion and corrosion prevention, with mechanisms of nonuniform corrosion processes and behaviour of metals in important corrosion environments.
Last update: TAJ106 (11.04.2014)
oral exam Last update: TAJ106 (16.04.2014)
R: Novák P. a kol. Korozní inženýrství. Elektronická skripta ÚKMKI VŠCHT Praha 2003 R: Jones D.A.: Principles and prevention of corrosion, Prantice Hall 1996 A: Stansbury E.E., Buchanan R.A.: Fundamentals of electrochemical corrosion, ASM International 2000 A: Landolt D.: Corrosion and surface chemistry of metals, EPFL Press 2007 Last update: TAJ106 (16.04.2014)
1. Fundametal electrochemistry 2. Thermodynamic of metallic corrosion in electrolytes 3. Active anodic dissolution and cathodic reactions 4. Passivity of metals 5. Heterogeneity in corrosion system 6. Galvanic and electrolytic corrosion cells 7. Pitting and crevice corrosion 8. Intergranular and selective corrosion 9. Environmentally induced corrosion cracking 10. Erosion corrosion, Hydrogen induced damage of metals 11. Mechanisms of atmospheric corrosion, corrosion in waters, soils, concrete and industrial electrolytes 12. Principles of corrosion prevention 13. Corrosion testing and monitoring 14. Theory of corrosion in gaseous environment at high temperatures Last update: TAJ106 (11.04.2014)
Students will be able to: detail mechanisms of corrsion processes of metallic materials in most of the environments, choice of proper type of corrosion prevention Last update: TAJ106 (11.04.2014)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Oral examination | 100 |