SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2015/2016
Energetic Using of Biomass - D216047
Title: Energetické využití biomasy
Guaranteed by: Department of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air protection (216)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2015 to 2022
Semester: both
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 0/0, other [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
can be fulfilled in the future
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Skoblia Siarhei Ing. Ph.D.
Pohořelý Michael doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
This course is focused on a thermochemical conversion of biomass and biomass based materials and on an energetic and material utilization of its gaseous, solid and liquid products. Part of the course is thorough overview of all physicochemical properties of a biomass (elemental composition, volatile matter content, ash content and ash properties) and their impact on properties of a biomass and possibilities of its thermochemical conversion for production of heat, electricity, second generation biofuels and other chemical substances. The course is also focused on an analysis of existing restrictions on biomass usage, for energy and material purposes, connected with an availability of suitable sources (type, density per area and availability, market price) and overcoming current technological problems associated with processes of thermochemical conversion of biomass. In the course both classical (combustion, solid and fluid bed gasification, slow medium and low temperature pyrolysis) as well as new thermochemical processes (torrefaction, flash pyrolysis, multistage gasification, biochar production, supercritical water gasification) are presented. Part of the course is also an overview of all processes suitable for the production of second-generation biofuels from gaseous and liquid products of a thermochemical conversion. Strong emphasis is placed on the overall efficiency of production of electricity and other products, and on possible measures to increase it. Emphasis is also placed on the analysis of pitfalls associated with a construction and operation of a pilot or an industrial facility. Part of the course deals with an evaluation of different thermochemical processes, used for production of electricity and other useful products, in terms of efficiency and overall environmental impact. The course also presents an overview of pilot and commercial technologies for thermochemical conversion of biomass, used for energetic and material utilization of a biomass, located in the Czech Republic, the European Union and worldwide. Optional part of the course is a laboratory exercise, aimed to determine basic physicochemical properties of a biomass and an excursion to a selected demonstration unit in the Czech Republic producing electricity and biochar from biomass.
Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (03.04.2018)
Course completion requirements -

Optional participation in lectures, consultation with lecturers, at least 50%.

Elaborate of written essay on pre-agreed topic from subject of teaching.

Successful completion of the oral examination.

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (31.05.2017)

1. Boyle, G.: Renewable Energy. Power for a Sustainable Future. Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, United Kingdom (2004); ISBN 0-19-926178-4.

2. Reed, T. B.: Encyclopedia of Biomass Thermal Conversion. The Principles and Technology of Pyrolysis, Gasification & Combustion. The Biomass Energy Foundation, USA (2002); ISBN 1-60322-055-0.

3. Loo, van S., Koppejan, J.: The Handbook of Biomass Combustion & Co-firing. Earthscan, United Kingdom (2008); ISBN 978-1-84407-249-1.

4. Brown, R. C.: Thermochemical Processing of Biomass. Conversion into Fuels, Chemicals and Power. Wiley, United Kingdom (2011); ISBN 978-0-470-72111-7.

5. Higman, C., Burgt, van der M.: Gasification. Elsevier, USA (2008); ISBN 978-0-7506-8528-3.

6. Knoef, H.: Handbook Biomass Gasification. BTG, Netherlands (2005); ISBN 90-810068-1-9.

7. Skoblia S., Tenkrát D., Vosecký M., Pohořelý M., Lisý M., Balaš M., Prokeš O.: Využití biomasy jako obnovitelného zdroje energie. Chem. Listy100(S), s20-s24, (2006).

8. Pohořelý M., Jeremiáš M., Kameníková P., Skoblia S., Svoboda K., Punčochář M.: Zplyňování biomasy. Chem. Listy 106 (4), 264-274 (2012).

9. Zámostný P., Kurc L.: Vliv podmínek a složení suroviny na pyrolýzu dřevní hmoty. Chem. Listy 105(6), 458-466 (2011).

10. Basu P.: Biomass gasification and pyrolysis: practical design and theory, Elsevier Inc., 2010 ISBN 978-0-12-374988-8.

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (03.04.2018)

1. The oldest energy resource and its present renaissance. Biomass resources potential, availability and possibilities of its utilization.

2. Physicochemical properties of biomass and effect on a thermochemical conversion and production of energy.

3. Biomass properties (moisture, bulk density, energy density) and basic pre-treatment necessary for an efficient utilization (drying, pelletizing, briquetting, torrefaction).

4. Thermochemical conversion: definitions, typical conditions, means of realization and possibilities of utilization for efficient production of energy and other products.

5. Technological processes for production of electricity from biomass and products of its thermochemical conversion. Effects of thermochemical conversion on overall process efficiency.

6. Thermochemical conversion of biomass without air access (pyrolysis). Effect of a process conditions (temperature, heating rate and pressure) on products distribution and composition. Application of

a pyrolysis process for production of gaseous, solid and liquid products and their usage for energy production.

7. Thermochemical conversion of a biomass in an oxidizing atmosphere with excess air ratio (combustion). Overview of suitable combustion devices, operating conditions and requirements on fuel


8. Thermochemical conversion of biomass in the partial oxidation conditions (gasification) and possibilities of usage for energy production.

9. Thermochemical conversion of biomass in supercritical water (hydrothermal gasification) and its usage for production of energy, hydrogen and methane.

10. Cleaning and processing products of thermochemical conversion of biomass for their further efficient energy usage.

11. Production of biochar, its classification and potential for usage in energy production, improvement of soil properties and widespread sequestration of CO2.

12. Possibilities of a production of liquid and gaseous second-generation fuels and chemical commodities from products of a thermochemical conversion of biomass.

13. Combined heat and power production from biomass-based fuels by means of a thermochemical conversion.

14. Pilot plants and commercial plants for gasification and pyrolysis in the world and in the Czech Republic.

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (03.04.2018)
Learning resources -

Lectures of subject

Professional and special literature

Last update: Skoblia Siarhei (17.03.2014)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

independently orientate in the problems of energy production from biomass,

determine and evaluate basic physicochemical properties of different types of biomass and assess its behaviour during a thermochemical conversion,

understand different types of thermochemical conversion processes (combustion, fast and slow pyrolysis, gasification) and devices suitable for the production of electricity (turbines, engines, fuel cells),

evaluate potential of biomass types for energy production, choose the most suitable thermochemical process and apparatus for the production of electricity and to assess the overall system efficiency,

understand legislative and economic aspects of biomass utilization.

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (03.04.2018)
Entry requirements -


Last update: Skoblia Siarhei (17.03.2014)
Registration requirements -


Last update: Skoblia Siarhei (05.06.2017)
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Defense of an individual project 50
Oral examination 50