Subject is focused on functional properties, metabolism and genetics of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), progress and trends in dairy starter cultures, new and future applications of LAB in food production, cosmetics and preventive medicine and on the methods of selective enumeration of LAB in mixtures.
Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Oral examination. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Lahtinen S., Ouwehand A.C., Salminen S., von Wright A.: Lactic Acid Bacteria, Microbiological and Functional Aspects, 4th ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2012. Mozzi F., Raya R.R., Vignolo G.M.: Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria, Novel Applications, Wiley-Blackwell, Singapore 2010. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
• Characteristics of particular species of LAB, actual taxonomy and safety. • Metabolism of LAB and its regulation (saccharides, EPS, proteolysis and amino acid catabolism, citrates, antimicrobially and antivirally active metabolites). • Bacteriphages of LAB, defense mechanisms of LAB. • Genetics of LAB, properties of chosen genetically modified LAB strains. • Functional properties of LAB - probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics. • New applications of LAB in food processing (production of biologically active compounds-vitamines, bioactive peptides). • LAB applications for gut microbiota modulation (gut immune system modulation), cholesterol transformations, preventive treatment of urovaginal and respiratory infections. • Plate count and molecular-biologic methods of LAB estimation in mixtures. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Self-study of scientific literature. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Students will be able to use: • new information concerning functional properties of LAB, their metabolites and their defense mechanisms against bacteriophages, • possible food and non-food applications of LAB, • control methods of LAB stability in products. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Magister study programme of chemistry, food chemistry or food technology. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)
Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biology. Last update: TAJ322 (05.11.2015)