Conservation is a respected comprehensive interdisciplinary branch perceived in majority as a practical activity; however, its essence is a value formation of society. And that understanding of the branch in the whole society context is the main intention of the subject, which is limited in the form of lectures. In the framework of an overview expressing the branch scope there is an effort to present new topics or their interpretation (the specificity of the restoration in the context of the branch, the relation of conservation care and science, the role of information in the field, etc.). Course graduates should be able to understand the basic points of conservation, to interpret the branch development and to infer of its key factors, to be able to characterize and classify the structure of the heritage, to apply the specialized terminology, to understand the basis of the branch methodology, and especially to be able to analyze and use the category of heritage value and to understand the principles of authenticity, to explain the general principles of practical conservation, to understand the organization, legislation and the fundamentals of the economy and management of conservation in the Czech Republic, to understand the international context of the realization of the branch and compare them, to understand the basic specificity of restoration in the cultural heritage conservation (methodology, legislation, organization) and to be knowledgeable in the process of decision making of the restoration intervention in our state conservation system. Finally, the aim of the course is to build positive attitudes towards the value of cultural heritage and positive motivation to their conservation by through the application of the own critical thinking. The themes and content of the lectures are partially updated and adapted to the expected audience every year. Some topics are addressed with the active involvement of students, lectures are accompanied by a projection of image illustrations, the students receive the digests of the lectures. Complementary supplement to the course should be mainly the subject of museology.
Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Studenti se na zkoušku přihlašují přes SIS. Studentovi, který není v SISu zapsán, nebude umožněno zkoušku vykonat. Student, který se ze SISu neodhlásí a na zkoušku se nedostaví, obdrží známku "F". Na mailové a telefonické omluvy nebude brán zřetel. Last update: Bartošová Lenka (01.03.2016)
R:Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage, GCI, Los Angeles 2001. R:Brandi, C.: Teorie restaurování, Tichá Byzanc, Kutná Hora 2000. ISBN 80-86359-03-4. R:Conti, A.: History of the restoration and conservation of works of art, Oxford 2007. ISBN 978-0750669535 R:Jokilehto, J.: A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford 1999. ISBN 978-0750655118 R:Mezinárodní dokumenty o ochraně kulturního dědictví, svazek 1, NPÚ, Praha 2007. ISBN 978-80-87104-14-9 R:Odborné a metodické publikace Národního památkového ústavu (http://www.npu.cz/pp/zpp/publikace/) R:Riegl A.: Moderní památková péče, NPÚ ÚP, Praha 2003. ISBN 80-86234-34-7 R:Varhaník, J.; Malý, S.: Zákon o státní památkové péči: Komentář. Praha 2011. ISBN 978-80-7357-659-2 R:Vinas, S.M.: Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Oxford, 2005. ISBN 0 7506 6224 7 R:Wagner V.: Umělecké dílo minulosti a jeho ochrana, Praha 2006. ISBN 808623472X A:Zprávy památkové péče. ISSN 1210-5538 A:Choay, F.: The Invention of the Historic Monument, Cambridge 2001. ISBN 978-0521454742 A:Dvořák, M.: Katechismus památkové péče, SÚPPOP, Praha 1991. ISBN: 9788086234557 A:Hlobil, I.: Na základech konzervativní teorie české památkové péče, NPÚ, Praha 2008. ISBN 978-80-87104-32-3 A:The Illustrated Burra Charter, ICOMOS 2004. ISBN 9780957852822 A:Kolektiv autorů: Péče o architektonické dědictví, I., III. díl, Praha 2008, 2010. ISBN 978-80-85970-62-3 A:The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention, (http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines) A:Restaurování, sborník příspěvků k 8. ročníku konference Obnova památek 2008, AXIS studio, Praha 2008. Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Zkouška z předmětu je ústní. V prvé části student/ka prokazuje na příkladu konkrétní památky dle vlastního výběru schopnost analyzovat památkové hodnoty a navrhnout způsob péče o ni. V druhé části student odpovídá na otázky z obsahu přednášek. Last update: TAJ148 (16.09.2014)
1. The Introduction to conservation (c.). The development of c. from traditional to modern society (from ancient times to Counter-Reformation) 2. The emergence of systematic c. in modern society (from the enlightenment to the conservation movement in the second half of the 19th cen.) 3. Systematic c. and its institutionalization in the second half of the 19th. cen. and the commencement of modern c. at the beginning of the 20th cen. 4. Modern c. in the first and the second half of the 20th cen. in the first Czech Republic and until 1948, the international concept of c. after WW II) 5. C. in the socialist Czechoslovakia and in the democratic state after 1989 6. Cultural heritage, historic monuments and sites 7. Heritage value and authenticity - the basic concepts of theory and methodology of c. 8. The main factors of the threat of heritage and the basic methodological principles of practical c. 9. The main tactics - practical procedures of c. 10. Restoration and its specificities in the objectives, methodology and practice of c. 11. The organisations, institutions and legislation of c. in the Czech Republic 12. International cooperation, institutions and documents of c. 13. The importance of information in c., registration, survey and documentation of heritage. C. and technology, science and research, their relation and problems. 14. C. in today's society, the public interest and civil society, current status and vision of the branch Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
http://www.getty.edu/conservation/publications_resources/pdf_publications/pdf/assessing.pdf http://www.npu.cz/pp/zpp/publikace/ http://whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines Study materials are available at the teacher. Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Students will be able to
Last update: TAJ148 (09.10.2013)
None Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Obhajoba individuálního projektu | 0.1 | 2 | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Práce na individuálním projektu | 0.4 | 12 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 1.5 | 42 | ||
3 / 3 | 84 / 84 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Defense of an individual project | 50 |
Oral examination | 50 |