Gaseous biofuels include biogas, landfill gas, or gases produced by pyrolysis of solid and liquid products. This subject is divided into several thematic areas. The first part is focused on biogas, its origin, chemical composition, production technology, biogas biogas cleaning, biogas potential in the Czech Republic and abroad. The last part of the course focuses on pyrolysis gases, their formation, treatment and utilization.
During the lectures, a biogas station excursion will take place so that students can verify their theoretical knowledge.
Last update: Kyselová Veronika (25.01.2018)
R: Straka F. a kol.: Bioplyn - příručka pro výuku, projekci a provoz bioplynových systémů, GAS, Praha, 2006, 80-7328-090-6. R: Wellinger A., Murphy J., Baxter D.: The biogas handbook, Science, production and applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-85709-498-8. A: EDER Barbara, SCHULZ Heinz: Bioplyn v Praxi, Hel, 2004, 80-86167-21-6. A: Kolektiv autorů: Průvodce výrobou a využitím bioplynu, CZ Biom, 2009, ISBN: 978-80-903777-5-2. A: Skoblia S.: Úprava a složení plynu ze zplyňování biomasy, disertační práce, VŠCHT Praha, 2004 Last update: Kyselová Veronika (25.01.2018)
1. Introduction of terminology, history, gaseous biofuels 2. Principle of biogas production 3. Chemical composition of biogas, physico-chemical properties 4. Biogas production technology 5. Landfill gas 6. Biogas and the environment 7. Biogas cleaning 8. Biogas upgrading to biomethane 9. Possibilities of using biogas - cogeneration and fuel cells 10. Possibilities of using biogas - Stirling engines and ORC system 11. Thermochemical conversion of biomass and types of gasification generators on biomass 12. Pyrolysis gas cleaning and its use 13. Power To Gas Technology 14. Excursion of biogas station Last update: Kyselová Veronika (25.01.2018)
http://www.biogaspartner.de/ http://www.ngva.cz/ http://www.czba.cz/ http://www.biom.cz
Last update: Kyselová Veronika (25.01.2018)
Students will be able to: The origin of biogas from organic material. To evaluate the basic parameters of the biogas substrates. Identify minor components in biogas. Basic requirements and technologies for biogas purification for natural gas quality. Orient in pyrolysis gases, their formation, purification and application. Last update: Kyselová Veronika (25.01.2018)
General and Inorganic Chemistry I, Physical Chemistry A Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (01.02.2018)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 0.5 | 14 | ||
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi | 0.5 | 14 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 2 | 56 | ||
3 / 3 | 84 / 84 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Regular attendance | 10 |
Examination test | 45 |
Oral examination | 45 |