SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2015/2016
Water in Industrial Pharmacy - N217033
Title: Voda ve farmacii
Guaranteed by: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2012 to 2018
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Janda Václav prof. Ing. CSc.
Jeníček Pavel prof. Ing. CSc.
Sýkora Vladimír doc. Ing. CSc.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Basic hydrochemical characteristics are outlined. Methods of water treatment and waste water purification in pharmaceutical industry are described.
Last update: Janda Václav (15.11.2012)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Zkouška se vykonává pouze písemnou formou na konci semestru.

Last update: Janda Václav (15.11.2012)
Literature -

A:Strnadová N.,Janda V.,Technologie vody I,VŠCHT Praha,1999,ISBN 8070803487

A:L. Jelínek a kol.,Desalinační a separační metody v úpravě vody,VŠCHT Praha,2008,ISBN 978807807057

A:Vesilind A.P.:Wastewater treatment plant design,IWA Publishing,2003,ISBN 1843390523

Last update: TAJ217 (31.08.2013)
Syllabus -

1. Hydrochemical characteristics, raw water quality, drinking water, requirements for water quality in pharmacy

2. Ground water treatment, remova of carbon dioxide and other gases

3. Removal of iron and manganese and other compounds from ground water

4. Surface water treatment, coagulation

5. Separation of suspension, sedimantation, filtration, disinfection

6. Ion exchange, distillation

7. Membrane processes, reverse osmosis, electrodialysis, electrodeionization

8. Waste waters in pharmaceutical industry

9. Physico-chemical purification of industrial waste waters

10. Principles of biological methods, aerobic processes

11. Removal of nutrients, anaerobic processes

12. Examples of pharmaceutical waste waters purification

13. Sludge thickening and waste biomass treatment

14. Specific pollutants in pharmacetical waste waters

Last update: Janda Václav (15.11.2012)
Learning resources -

Last update: Janda Václav (21.08.2013)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

understand and make a basic design of technological processes of water and wastawater treatment in industrial pharmacy.

Last update: Janda Václav (20.11.2013)
Registration requirements -

Inorganic chemistry I, Organic chemistry I

Last update: Janda Václav (28.08.2013)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 2 56
3 / 3 84 / 84
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Regular attendance 30
Examination test 70