The course is focused on the energetic construction materials, arrangements and equipment for heat and electricity production from classical, low-carbon and renewable sources. The aim is to intensify the application of innovative BAT/clean technologies in industry.
Last update: JIRICEKI (12.07.2013)
R:Jiříček. I.: Konstrukce základních prvků tepelných elektráren,vydavatelství VŠCHT Praha,1997,80-7080-297-9 A:B.Buecker: Fundamentals of Steam Generation Chemistry, , Penn Well Corporation,2000,087814750-0 A:E.B. Woodruff, H.B. Lammers: Steam Plant Operation-Eighth Edition, , McGraw-Hill,2005,0-07-141846-6 A:Environmental Impact of Power Generation, Vol. 11, Springer-Verlag, New York,1999,0-85404-250-4, A:P. Chattopadhyay: Boiler Operations Question and Answers,Cole-Palmer International,1995,0-07-460296-9 Last update: JIRICEKI (12.07.2013)
1. Traditional Power Plants: Open Space Coal Storage & Handling, Feeders, Bunkers, Oil & Gas-Fired Plant Fuel Storage 2. Fuel Preprocesing, Dryers, Pulverizers, Gravitational Separators, Fly Ash Removal Units, Slag Separators, Combustion Air Heaters, Heat Resistant Materials 3. Fluidized Bed & Pulverized Coal Furnaces, Burners, Lighters, Plant Emission Control Systems: Particulates, NOx, SO2, Absorbers 4. Steam Boilers, Drum & Once-Through Boilers, Evaporators, Process Controlers, Sub-Critical & Super Critical & Ultrasuper Critical Plants, Economizers, Reheaters, Superheaters 5. Steam Turbines & Generators: Impulse & Reaction, Condensing & Backpressure Units, Bearings, Sealing Systems, Shutdown & Lay-out Procedures 6. Condensers & Cooling Towers: Once-Through & Open Recirculating & Air Cooled Units, Taprogge 7. Low-Carbon Plants: Waste to Energy Plants, Stokers, Flue Gas Cleaners, Scrubbers, Heat Recovery Steam Generators 8. Heat Pumps, Combined Heat & Power Plants, Stationary Engines, µ-CHP Trigeneration 9. Gas Turbines, Compressors, Combustors, Combined Cycle Plants, IGCC Plants, Fuel Cell CC 10. Low-Emission Plants: Nuclear Reactors, Steam Generators, Modular and Hybrid Reactors, Moisture Separators and Turbines 11. Renewable Energy Convertors: Biomass Conversion Units I., Combustors 12. Biomass Conversion Units II., Gasifiers and Pyrolyzers 13. Solar Energy Convertors, Solar Heat and Power Units, Wind Turbines, Hydro Turbines 14. Energy Storage Units, P2P, P2H, P2G, Smart Grid Elements Last update: JIRICEKI (17.01.2018)
BAT reference documents http://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ Energy Strategy for Europe http://ec.europa.eu/energy/index_en.htm Last update: JIRICEKI (12.07.2013)
Student will be able to: Analyze sketches and blueprints of energetic equipment in scaling, sections and profiles Design technologies for the efficient production of ecological heat and green electric energy Balance and optimize systems with thermal cycles in cogeneration Suggest construction materials for appropriate use. Last update: JIRICEKI (12.07.2013)
Alternative Energy Sources, Power Engineering Last update: JIRICEKI (29.01.2018)
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Examination test | 50 |
Continuous assessment of study performance and course -credit tests | 50 |