In this subject are described basic technologies used to protect life environment. Methods of cleaning outlet gas, fundamental basic procedure at waste-water purification and processing waste materials.
The basic types of apparatuses and devices used in chemical tachnologies for protection of the enviroment are discussed within this course. The students will become familiar with the legislation, and with the apparatuses used for removing impurities from gases and liquids as well as for processing of solid waste.
Last update: SEK409 (17.12.2013)
R: http://www.ippc.cz/obsah/referencni-dokumenty/prehled-dokumentu-bref/ Last update: SEK409 (08.10.2013)
1. Protection life environment 2. Removing gaseous air pollutants 3. Emission the sulphur dioxide, used technology and plants. 4. Emision nitrogen oxides, denitrification methods and plants 5. Remove the organic vapour from air pollutants 6. Usage the adsorption at removing gaseous and liquid noxious agents 7. Dusty air pollutants and plants 8. Waste-water (communal, industrial), the mechanical waste-water purification 9. The waste-water purification (the anaerobic and aerobic process) 10. Solid wastes, catalogue of wastes, remove of wastes 11. Waste stores, used technics and plants 12. Destructors of refuse, used technics and plants 13. The noise, physiological effects of the noise and theirs elimination 14. Excursion Last update: HOVORKAF (30.09.2013)
www.mzp.cz Last update: HOVORKAF (04.10.2013)
Students will be able to learn a) procedures and devices used for removing mechanical contamination from waste gas. b) procedures and devices used for removing chemical contamination from waste gas. c) procedures and devices used for waste-water purification d) procedures and devices used for processing waste materials Last update: SEK409 (17.12.2013)
Introduction to Chemical Technologies Chemical Engineering I and II Last update: HOVORKAF (30.09.2013)
non Last update: HOVORKAF (07.10.2013)