SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2015/2016
Process Engineering and Design - N409060
Title: Procesní inženýrství a design
Guaranteed by: Department of Chemical Engineering (409)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2015 to 2015
Semester: both
Points: 4
E-Credits: 4
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 2/1, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Vaněk Tomáš doc. RNDr. CSc.
Kohout Martin Ing. Ph.D.
Interchangeability : N409060A
Is interchangeable with: N409060A
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The course is intended as a follow-up of "Process and System Engineering" course but oriented preferably to the process design. Students would get an idea of tasks and types of process design, the methodology, information sources, tools and control of a process project. Another part of the course concerns typical parts of the process, especially reaction and separation nodes. A self-standing part is devoted to heat exchangers and their utilization for the heat integration. The process economics is presented as an important task for a process engineer as well as the analysis of process safety and the impact on environment.
Last update: Vaněk Tomáš (02.10.2013)
Literature -

R. Vaněk T., Kohout M.: Selected lectures (electronic form).

R. Smith R.: Chemical Process Design and Integration. J.Wiley, 2005.

R. Stanley M. Walas: Chemical Process Equipment. Selection and Design. Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Chemical Engineering. Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180, U.S.A.

A. Sinnot R.K.: Chemical Engineering Design. 4th ed. Elsevier, 2005.

A. Dimian A.C.: Integrated Design and Simulation iof Chemical Processes. Elsevier, 2003.

A. Peters M.S, Timmerhaus K.D., West R.E.: Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003 (ISBN 0-07-119872-5).

Last update: SEK409 (08.10.2013)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction into the process engineering and design. Role of process design and its types. Projects in process design.

2. Information sources for process design. Databases utilized in process design. Software support for process design. Program suite aspenONE.

3. Stages of process design. Preliminary, conceptual, basic and detailed design of a process.

4. Employment of material and energy balances and of simulation methods in various stages of process design. Steady-state simulation. Dynamic simulation.

5. Design of the reaction node. Selection, design and modeling of reactors.

6. Design of the separation node. Types of separation equipment and processes.

7. Design and modeling of the most important separation equipment. Utilization of synthesis for the design of separation trains.

8. Design of heat exchange. Selection and design of heat exchangers.

9. Design of other separation equipment. Solids processing.

10. Heat integration design. Pinch methods and pinch analysis. Synthesis of heat exchanger networks. Design of the utility subsystem.

11. Design of the measuring and control system for a process. Selection of measurement location for providing material and enthalpy balances of a process.

12. Economical aspects of process design. Structure of the process economics, basic cash flow. Estimations of capital costs for a new process. Estimation of the cost of typical unit operations.

13. Aspects of process safety and reliability within the process design. Ecological aspects of process design.

14. Project management and control. Recording of project materials and documentation. Legislative aspects of process design.

Last update: Vaněk Tomáš (02.10.2013)
Learning resources -

Last update: SEK409 (02.10.2013)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Formulate the tasks of process design on different levels (from preliminary to detailed design)

Use various tool as simulation, balancing and optimization during the design of a process

Provide process integration, especially the heat integration employing pinch-point methods

Design various equipment from the process engineering view, especially reactors, separation equipment, heat exchanger

Use economic and environmental tools, evaluate the process economics and to propose the cash-flow

Last update: Vaněk Tomáš (02.10.2013)
Registration requirements -

Chemical Engineering I (possibly also II)

Process and System Engineering

Last update: Vaněk Tomáš (02.10.2013)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 1 28
Práce na individuálním projektu 1 28
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 0.5 14
Účast na seminářích 0.5 14
4 / 4 112 / 112
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Regular attendance 10
Report from individual projects 30
Examination test 60