This subject is intended to provide key information to graduates to create relevant career ideas and plans, familiarize them with the conditions and prerequisites for utilizing their expertise on the labour market, assist them in a successful adaptation to the requirements and specific environment in companies where they start their professional career. Students will obtain a realistic and complete view of the structure of their abilities and inabilities. The teaching will provide them with extensive self-reflection (such as various ability diagnostics and application exercises) and practical advice and experience aimed at strengthening their motivation to work on themselves and on their own professional and human development and providing them with basic guidelines and recommendations.
Last update: TAJ437 (09.08.2013)
R:Bělohlávek F.,Osobní kariéra,GRADA,Praha,1994,807169083X R:Hroník F.,Jak se nespálit při výběru zaměstnanců, COMPUTER PRESS,Brno,1999,8072261614 R:Čakrt M.,Kdo jsem já, kdo jste vy?,MANAGEMENT PRESS,Praha,1996,8085943123 A:Carnegie D.,Jak získávat přátele a působit na lidi, BETA,Praha,2009,8073060515 A:Milkowich G.T., Boudreau J.W. - Řízení lidských zdrojů, GRADA,Praha,1993,8085623293 A:Carnegie D.Osobní kariéra, Beta,2009,808073060515 A:Le Poole S. Nebojte se odpovědi "ne"! Praha,Grada 1992,808562317X A:Hroník F. Poznejte své zaměstnance,ERA,1999,8086517209 Last update: TAJ437 (24.09.2013)
1. Career plans, where and how to assert oneself in practice. Ability profiles for various types of career specialization. 2. Where and how to seek appropriate employment opportunities. 3. Negotiations and contact with potential employers and HR recruitment agencies. 4. Tenders - organization, approaches, methods and recommendations how to increase one’s chances. 5. Communication style as a key to understand other people and cooperate with them. 6. Corporate environment and culture - how to understand what happens or will happen in the company? 7. Recommendations for a successful adaptation - what facilitates and what complicates a successful start of a professional career? What to do under a new employment contract? 8. How to develop intellect abilities - emotional intelligence - creativity: how to develop them. 9. Objectives, methods, procedures, opportunities and threats brought by diagnostics and assessment programs when starting one’s carrier. 10. Dialogue skill - strategies and tactics in negotiating with people, problematic discussions, negotiations and what strengthens and what weakens cooperation. 11. Personality typology in relation to selection of a career specialization. 12. Types of assessment and communication situations in tenders and assessment programs - methods and procedures. During the lessons, students will be able to test most types of used methods and procedures in practice and obtain a feedback relating to their abilities on the one side and practical information on used procedures on the other side to avoid being taken by surprise. A. Presentation and self-presentation tasks and communication games - objectives, procedures, practical testing and recommendations. 13. B. Individual and group problem solution - objectives, procedures, practical testing and recommendations. 14. C. Dialogic negotiation situations and problem and conflict resolution - objectives, procedures, practical testing and recommendations.
Students will acquire an ongoing and complete feedback on their abilities and inabilities. At the end of the teaching of this subject, students will be provided with a summary individual feedback relating to the structure of the abilities they showed and career consultancy (their strengths and weaknesses, what they should build on and be careful about, where and how they should direct their further development, etc.). Last update: TAJ437 (09.08.2013)
http://kem.vscht.cz/predmety/rozvojakariera Last update: Botek Marek (23.01.2017)
Students will be able to: How to proceed in seeking appropriate employment opportunities and successful establishing contacts with potential employers or HR recruitment agencies. To be familiar with the structure, phases and procedures of tenders. How to effectively behave in a company at the beginning of their professional career. What to do (and not do) for a successful adaptation to the specific corporate environment and culture. Last update: TAJ437 (09.08.2013)
no Last update: TAJ437 (09.08.2013)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Konzultace s vyučujícími | 0.1 | 2 | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi | 0.9 | 26 | ||
2 / 2 | 56 / 56 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Regular attendance | 100 |