SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Teachers, academic year 2015/2016
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Guarantors or teachersDepartment
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS (001) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Sobalík Zdeněk doc. Ing. CSc. 001
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the CAS (006) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Horský Jiří Ing. CSc. 006
detail Pechar Michal Ing. CSc. 006
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS (007) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Hocek Michal prof. Ing. DSc. 007
detail Vondrášek Jiří prof. RNDr. CSc. 007
Charles University - First Faculty of Medicine (024) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Farghali Hassan prof. Dr. DrSc. 024
detail Slavíček Jaroslav doc. MUDr. CSc. 024
Zentiva Group, a.s. (034) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Mrvová Zdenka Ing. 034
Institute of Biotechnology of the CAS (035) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Schneider Bohdan prof. Ing. CSc., DSc. 035
University of Pardubice (036) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Říhová Vladislava Mgr. Ph.D. 036
Mendel University in Brno (063) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Hermanová Soňa doc. Mgr. Ph.D. 063
ORLEN UniCRE a.s. (080) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Herink Tomáš prof. Ing. Ph.D. 080
Aplikační sféra (externisti vyučující nebo OR) (099) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Bacílková Bronislava Mgr. 099
detail Czumalová Petra Mgr. 099
detail Děd Jiří Ing. CSc. 099
detail Hampl František doc. Ing. CSc. 099
detail Holba Marek Ing. Ph.D. 099
detail Jandová Jitka doc. Ing. CSc. 099
detail Krupka Jiří doc. Ing. Ph.D. 099
detail Macháč Petr doc. Ing. CSc. 099
detail Machačko Luboš MgA. 099
detail Ohlídalová Martina Ing. Ph.D. 099
detail Stejskal Josef doc. RNDr. CSc. 099
detail Strnad Tomáš Ing. MBA 099
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (101)
detail Brožek Vlastimil doc. Ing. DrSc. 101
detail Flemr Vratislav doc. Ing. CSc. 101
detail Hoskovcová Irena Ing. CSc. 101
detail Knížek Karel Dr. RNDr. 101
detail Kopecká Blanka Ing. Ph.D. 101
detail Kovářová Zdeňka Ing. CSc. 101
detail Lukeš Ivan prof. RNDr. CSc. 101
detail Mastný Libor Ing. CSc. 101
detail Nekvindová Pavla doc. Ing. Ph.D. 101
detail Ondráčková Jana Ing. CSc. 101
detail Rubešová Kateřina doc. Ing. Ph.D. 101
detail Sedmidubský David prof. Dr. Ing. 101
detail Smrčková Olga doc. Ing. CSc. 101
detail Sofer Zdeněk prof. Ing. Ph.D. 101
Department of Inorganic Technology (105)
detail Bernauer Bohumil doc. Ing. CSc. 105
detail Bouzek Karel prof. Dr. Ing. 105
detail Bystroň Tomáš doc. Ing. Ph.D. 105
detail Dědeček Jiří Mgr. CSc. DSc. 105
detail Fíla Vlastimil prof. Dr. Ing. 105
detail Kodým Roman Ing. Ph.D. 105
detail Krýsa Josef prof. Dr. Ing. 105
detail Lhotka Miloslav doc. Ing. Ph.D. 105
detail Paidar Martin doc. Ing. Ph.D. 105
detail Preuss Karel doc. PhDr. CSc. 105
detail Sedlářová Ivona Ing. Ph.D. 105
detail Vídenský Jan doc. Ing. CSc. 105
detail Zlámal Martin doc. Ing. Ph.D. 105
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering (106)
detail Bystrianský Jaroslav doc. Ing. CSc. 106
detail Dvořák Petr Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Fojt Jaroslav doc. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Joska Luděk doc. Ing. CSc. 106
detail Kouřil Milan doc. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Lejček Pavel prof. Ing. DrSc. 106
detail Michalcová Alena doc. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Msallamová Šárka Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Novák Pavel prof. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Prošek Tomáš doc. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Stolař Pavel Ing. CSc. 106
detail Stoulil Jan doc. Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Šerák Jan Ing. Ph.D. 106
detail Vojtěch Dalibor prof. Dr. Ing. 106
detail Volenec Karel doc. RNDr. PhMr. CSc. 106
detail Vu Nguyen Hong Ing. Ph.D. 106
Department of Glass and Ceramics (107)
detail Gedeon Ondrej prof. RNDr. Ph.D., DSc. 107
detail Gregorová Eva Ing. CSc. 107
detail Hamáček Jiří Ing. 107
detail Havlík Míka Martin doc. Dr. Ing. 107
detail Helebrant Aleš prof. Ing. CSc. 107
detail Horkavcová Diana Ing. Ph.D. 107
detail Kloužková Alexandra doc. Ing. CSc. 107
detail Kutzendörfer Jaroslav doc. Ing. CSc. 107
detail Macháček Jan Ing. Ph.D. 107
detail Matoušek Josef prof. Ing. DrSc. 107
detail Pabst Willi prof. Dr. Dipl.-Min. 107
detail Rada Miroslav Ing. CSc. 107
detail Rohanová Dana doc. Dr. Ing. 107
detail Škvára František doc. RNDr. DrSc. 107
detail Zlámalová Cílová Zuzana Ing. Ph.D. 107
Department of Solid State Chemistry (108)
detail Čejka Jan Ing. Ph.D. 108
detail Doušová Barbora doc. Ing. CSc. 108
detail Hušák Michal doc. Dr. Ing. 108
detail Koloušek David Ing. CSc. 108
detail Kovanda František prof. Ing. CSc. 108
detail Kratochvíl Bohumil prof. RNDr. DSc. 108
detail Krupičková Pojarová Michaela Ing. Ph.D. 108
detail Maixner Jaroslav RNDr. CSc. 108
detail Rohlíček Jan Ing. Ph.D. 108
Department of Organic Chemistry (110)
detail Böhm Stanislav doc. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Budka Jan doc. Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Cibulka Radek prof. Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Církva Vladimír Dr. Ing. 110
detail Dvořák Dalimil prof. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Hodačová Jana doc. Dr. Ing. 110
detail Holakovský Roman Mgr. Ph.D. 110
detail Kohout Michal prof. Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Kozmík Václav Ing. CSc. 110
detail Kundrát Ondřej Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Kvíčala Jaroslav prof. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Lhoták Pavel prof. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Linhart Igor doc. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Martinů Tomáš Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Rádl Stanislav doc. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Rybáčková Markéta Ing. Ph.D. 110
detail Svoboda Jiří prof. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Tobrman Tomáš doc. Ing. Ph.D. 110
Department of Organic Technology (111)
detail Bartošová Olga MUDr. Ph.D. 111
detail Bobková Klára RNDr. Ph.D. 111
detail Čapek Pavel doc. Ing. CSc. 111
detail Červený Libor prof. Ing. DrSc. 111
detail Durdil Petr Ing. CSc. 111
detail Dvořák Bohumír doc. Ing. CSc. 111
detail Hanika Jiří prof. Ing. DrSc. 111
detail Kačer Petr doc. Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Koubek Josef doc. Ing. CSc. 111
detail Lincová Dagmar doc. MUDr. CSc. 111
detail Nedbalová Martina RNDr. Ph.D. 111
detail Otová Berta doc. RNDr. CSc. 111
detail Pašek Josef prof. Ing. DrSc. 111
detail Patera Jan Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Paterová Iva Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Petrisko Miroslav Ing. CSc. 111
detail Popková Michaela MVDr. Ph.D. 111
detail Šilhánek Jaroslav Ing. CSc. 111
detail Škopková Tereza Ing. 111
detail Trejbal Jiří doc. Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Tukač Vratislav doc. Ing. CSc. 111
detail Valášková Zina Ing. CSc. 111
detail Vyskočilová Eliška doc. Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Zámostný Petr prof. Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Zapletal Martin Ing. Ph.D. 111
detail Zbytovská Jarmila doc. Mgr. Dr. rer. nat. 111
Department of Polymers (112)
detail Brožek Jiří prof. Ing. CSc. 112
detail Ducháček Vratislav prof. Ing. DrSc. 112
detail Hrdlička Zdeněk doc. Ing. Ph.D. 112
detail Kalousková Radka Ing. CSc. 112
detail Kuta Antonín doc. Ing. CSc. 112
detail Merna Jan prof. Ing. Ph.D. 112
detail Roda Jan prof. Ing. CSc. 112
detail Sysel Petr prof. Ing. CSc. 112
detail Vránová Lenka Ing. Ph.D. 112
Department of Solid State Engineering (126)
detail Leitner Jindřich prof. Ing. DrSc. 126
detail Myslík Vladimír doc. Ing. CSc. 126
detail Náhlík Josef Ing. CSc. 126
detail Novotný Pavel Ing. CSc. 126
detail Siegel Jakub prof. Ing. Ph.D. 126
detail Slepička Petr prof. Ing. Ph.D. 126
detail Švorčík Václav prof. Ing. DrSc. 126
Laboratory of Inorganic Materials (141)
detail Kloužek Jaroslav doc. Ing. CSc. 141
detail Němec Lubomír prof. Ing. DrSc. 141
Department of Informatics and Chemistry (143)
detail Bartůněk Petr RNDr. CSc. 143
detail Čech Petr Ing. Ph.D. 143
detail Hoksza David RNDr. Ph.D. 143
detail Jirát Jiří Ing. Ph.D. 143
detail Kolář Michal Mgr. Ph.D. 143
detail Lankaš Filip doc. Ing. Ph.D. 143
detail Nič Miloslav Ing. Ph.D. 143
detail Pačes Jan Mgr. Ph.D. 143
detail Strnad Hynek Ing. Ph.D. 143
detail Svozil Daniel prof. Mgr. Ph.D. 143
detail Znamenáček Jiří Ing. 143
Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation (148)
detail Bureš Víchová Jana Bc. DiS. 148
detail Drábková Klára Ing. Ph.D. 148
detail Ďurovič Michal doc. Dr. Ing. 148
detail Ebelová Ivana doc. PhDr. CSc. 148
detail Hlochová Dana Ing. 148
detail Horák Petr Mgr. 148
detail Jašková Alina ak. Mal. 148
detail Jesenský Vít 148
detail Kadlecová Eliška Ing. 148
detail Karasová Daniela PhDr. 148
detail Knotek Vítězslav Ing. Ph.D. 148
detail Koblasa Jiří Ing. 148
detail Kotlík Petr doc. Ing. CSc. 148
detail Křenková Zuzana PhDr. Ph.D. 148
detail Kučerová Irena Ing. Ph.D. 148
detail Mařík Jan Mgr. Ph.D. 148
detail Mašková Alena 148
detail Novák Pavel prof. Ing. CSc. 148
detail Novák Michal Ing. Ph.D. 148
detail Novotný Michal Mgr. 148
detail Pešta Jan Ing. arch. 148
detail Prášil Jaroslav 148
detail Rotreklová Edita 148
detail Sedmík Josef ak.mal. 148
detail Spiwoková Světlana PhDr. 148
detail Studničková Jarmila Ing. Bc. Ph.D. 148
detail Škrdlantová Markéta Ing. Ph.D. 148
detail Šulcová Veronika Bc. Dis. 148
detail Ulver Filip MgA. 148
detail Urbanová Markéta MgA. 148
detail Vejdovský Tomáš Mgr.akad.soch. 148
detail Zaoral Roman PhDr. 148
Department of Power Engineering (218) - Faculty of Environmental Technology
detail Jelínek Luděk doc. Ing. Ph.D. 218
detail Novotná Miroslava Ing. CSc. 218
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology (320) - Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
detail Spiwok Vojtěch prof. Ing. Ph.D. 320
Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds (342) - Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
detail Raich Ivan doc. Dr. Ing. 342
Department of Analytical Chemistry (402) - Faculty of Chemical Engineering
detail Uhlíková Tereza Mgr. Ph.D. 402
detail Zachař Pavel RNDr. CSc. 402
Department of Chemical Engineering (409) - Faculty of Chemical Engineering
detail Kosek Juraj prof. Dr. Ing. 409
oponent (600) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Kasa Stanislav doc. Ing. CSc. 600
detail Mejta Vladimír doc. Ing. CSc. 600
detail Svěrák Tomáš doc. Ing. CSc. 600
Akademie - VOŠ, Gymn. a SOŠUP Světlá nad Sázavou (702) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Krajíček Milan MgA. 702
Department of Chemical Education and Humanities (832) - Central University Departments of UCT Prague
detail Holzhauser Petr RNDr. Ph.D. 832
Department of Internal Auditing (938) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Bělohlav Zdeněk prof. Ing. CSc. 938
Centre for Information Services (997) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Šimek Miroslav Mgr. 997