SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Teachers, academic year 2015/2016
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Guarantors or teachersDepartment
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS (001) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Fárník Michal doc. Mgr. Ph.D., DSc. 001
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS (002) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Tihon Jaroslav Ing. CSc. 002
Research Centre Řež (078) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Kordač Michal Ing. Ph.D. 078
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (101) - Faculty of Chemical Technology
detail Sedmidubský David prof. Dr. Ing. 101
Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering (106) - Faculty of Chemical Technology
detail Vojtěch Dalibor prof. Dr. Ing. 106
Department of Organic Chemistry (110) - Faculty of Chemical Technology
detail Böhm Stanislav doc. Ing. CSc. 110
detail Rádl Stanislav doc. Ing. CSc. 110
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering (217) - Faculty of Environmental Technology
detail Janda Václav prof. Ing. CSc. 217
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology (320) - Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
detail Zídková Jarmila RNDr. CSc. 320
Department of Analytical Chemistry (402)
detail Bouř Petr prof. RNDr. CSc. 402
detail Člupek Martin Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Dolenský Bohumil doc. Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Fähnrich Jan Mgr. CSc. 402
detail Kaňa Antonín doc. Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Kania Patrik Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Král Vladimír prof. RNDr. DSc. 402
detail Mestek Oto prof. Ing. CSc. 402
detail Prokopec Vadim Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Rak Jakub Ing. 402
detail Řezanka Pavel doc. RNDr. Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Setnička Vladimír prof. Ing. Ph.D. 402
detail Sinica Alla Mgr. Ph.D. 402
detail Straus Jiří prof. PhDr. DrSc. 402
detail Sýkora David prof. Dr. RNDr. 402
detail Šiškanova Taťjana doc. Mgr. CSc. 402
detail Uhlíková Tereza Mgr. Ph.D. 402
detail Urban Štěpán prof. RNDr. CSc. 402
detail Vaňura Petr Ing. DrSc. 402
detail Volka Karel prof. Ing. CSc. 402
detail Vosmanská Magda Ing. CSc. 402
detail Votava Ondřej Mgr. Ph.D. 402
detail Vyhnálek Oldřich Ing. CSc. 402
detail Zachař Pavel RNDr. CSc. 402
detail Záruba Kamil doc. Ing. Ph.D. 402
Department of Physical Chemistry (403)
detail Bartovská Lidmila doc. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Bureš Michal Ing. CSc. 403
detail Chuchvalec Pavel doc. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Cibulka Ivan doc. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Dohnal Vladimír doc. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Friess Karel prof. Ing. Ph.D. 403
detail Fulem Michal prof. Ing. Ph.D. 403
detail Heyda Jan doc. RNDr. Mgr. Ph.D. 403
detail Hovorka Štěpán Ing. Ph.D. 403
detail Kolafa Jiří prof. RNDr. CSc. 403
detail Labík Stanislav prof. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Ludvík Jiří prof. RNDr. CSc. 403
detail Malijevský Anatol prof. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Malijevský Alexandr prof. Mgr. Ph.D., DSc. 403
detail Matějka Pavel prof. Dr. RNDr. 403
detail Morávek Pavel Ing. Ph.D. 403
detail Růžička Květoslav prof. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Řehák Karel doc. Ing. CSc. 403
detail Slavíček Petr prof. RNDr. Bc. Ph.D. 403
detail Tkadlecová Marcela Ing. CSc. 403
detail Voňka Petr prof. RNDr. CSc. 403
detail Vopička Ondřej doc. Ing. Ph.D. 403
detail Vrbka Pavel Dr. Ing. 403
Department of Chemical Engineering (409)
detail Basařová Pavlína doc. Dr. Ing. 409
detail Grof Zdeněk doc. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Hasal Pavel prof. Ing. CSc. 409
detail Jahoda Milan doc. Dr. Ing. 409
detail Kočí Petr prof. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Kohout Martin Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Kosek Juraj prof. Dr. Ing. 409
detail Lindner Jiří Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Moucha Tomáš prof. Dr. Ing. 409
detail Nevoral Vladislav Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Přibyl Michal prof. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Rejl František doc. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Schreiber Igor prof. Ing. CSc. 409
detail Schreiberová Lenka Ing. CSc. 409
detail Šnita Dalimil prof. Ing. CSc. 409
detail Šoóš Miroslav prof. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Štěpánek František prof. Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Valenz Lukáš Ing. Ph.D. 409
detail Vaněk Tomáš doc. RNDr. CSc. 409
detail Zubov Alexandr doc. Ing. Ph.D. 409
Department of Mathematics (413)
detail Jaroš František RNDr. 413
detail Pavlík Jiří RNDr. CSc. 413
Department of Physics and Measurement (444)
detail Ekrt Ondřej Ing. Ph.D. 444
detail Fišer Ladislav Ing. Ph.D. 444
detail Fitl Přemysl Ing. Ph.D. 444
detail Hofmann Jaroslav doc. Ing. CSc. 444
detail Kadlec Karel doc. Ing. CSc. 444
detail Karlík Michal Ing. 444
detail Korbářová Anna Ing. PhD. 444
detail Scholtz Vladimír doc. Ing. Ph.D. 444
detail Seidl Jaromír Mgr. Ph.D. 444
detail Uhrová Helena doc. Ing. CSc. 444
detail Urbanová Marie prof. RNDr. CSc. 444
detail Vrňata Martin prof. Dr. Ing. 444
Department of Computing and Control Engineering (445)
detail Vovsík Jaroslav Ing. Ph.D. 445
Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics (446)
detail Bártová Darina Ing. Mgr. Ph.D. 446
detail Cejnar Pavel RNDr. Mgr. Ph.D. 446
detail Čmejla Roman prof. Ing. CSc. 446
detail Dubcová Miroslava RNDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Finkeová Jana Ing. CSc. 446
detail Hanta Vladimír Ing. CSc. 446
detail Hejna Bohdan Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Hrnčiřík Pavel doc. Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Janovská Drahoslava prof. RNDr. CSc. 446
detail Kopecký Dušan doc. Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Kubíček Milan prof. RNDr. CSc. 446
detail Kukal Jaromír doc. Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Mareš Jan prof. Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Maxová Jana RNDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Mudrová Martina Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Nachtigalová Iva Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Náhlík Jan prof. Ing. CSc. 446
detail Pavlíková Pavla RNDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Pokorný Pavel RNDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Procházka Aleš prof. Ing. CSc. 446
detail Simerská Carmen doc. RNDr. CSc. 446
detail Soušková Hana Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Šnupárková Jana RNDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Švihlík Jan doc. Ing. Ph.D. 446
detail Turzík Daniel doc. RNDr. CSc. 446
detail Vyšata Oldřich MUDr. Ph.D. 446
detail Zikmundová Markéta Mgr. Ph.D. 446
oponent (600) - University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
detail Bartovský Tomáš doc. Ing. CSc. 600
detail Hovorka František Ing. CSc. 600