Laboratories are focused on the chemistry of metals, including coordination compounds. Students practise a series of subsequent dissection work (the no-waste technologies) when all parts concerning the appropriate metal are processed. The work results in the balance of the metal. Another laboratories patr are also qualitative reactions of cations, including their quantification in an unknown sample. Talented students can be selected for the preparation of complex compounds by using of new devices placed in Inorganic Chemistry Department.
Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
The subject is finished by completion of all laboratory works and continuous tests, submission of protocols and fulfillment of the finish test.
Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
K. Rubešová a kol.: Laboratoř anorganické chemie II, VŠCHT Praha, 2017, ISBN: 978-80-7080-983-9 (for download from na https://e-learning.vscht.cz/pluginfile.php/26771/mod_resource/content/3/RUBE%C5%A0OV%C3%81_K._Laborato%C5%99_anorganick%C3%A9_chemie_II._2017.pdf)
D. Sýkorová a L. Mastný: Návody pro laboratoře z anorganické chemie, VŠCHT Praha, 2001, dotisk 2009, ISBN: 80-7080-452-1
V. Flemr a E. Holečková: Úlohy z názvosloví a chemických výpočtů v anorganické chemii, VŠCHT Praha, 2001, ISBN: 80-7080-435-1 Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
1. Chemistry of the main groups as transition metals. 2. Compounds preparation using various preparative techniques (melting, precipitation, cementation). 3. Mass balance in chemical reactions. 4. Oxidation-reduction reactions of metal compounds. 5. Preparation of coordination compounds. 6. Working with ion exchanger 7. Waste-free technology ("Dissecting series"). 8. Analytically important reaction of metal cations. 9. Qualitative proof of metal cations in unknown samples. https://e-learning.vscht.cz/pluginfile.php/35024/mod_resource/content/1/Program%20Laborato%C5%99%C3%AD%20anorganick%C3%A9%20chemie%20II%20%28N101004%29.pdf Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
Programme of the Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory I course and preparatory processes (video): https://e-learning.vscht.cz/course/view.php?id=40
Laboratory records: https://e-learning.vscht.cz/mod/url/view.php?id=3906
CLP pictograms for compounds and mixtures: https://prezi.com/embed/9pbb6hy3_was/?bgcolor=ffffff&lock_to_path=1&autoplay=no&autohide_ctrls=0
Safety in laboratory - video: https://e-learning.vscht.cz/mod/folder/view.php?id=3002
Basic laboratory procedures - video: https://e-learning.vscht.cz/mod/folder/view.php?id=3001 Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
Students will be able to: Single-handed to safety master all laboratory techniques Analyze and solve challenging multi-stage preparation of chemicals Implement the total balance of the basic element in successive preparation Used intricate laboratory equipment Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)
General and Inorganic Chemistry I - N101005 Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry I - N101003 (3A) Last update: Kubová Petra (12.04.2019)