Experiments familiarize students with the basic principles of the physical chemistry (state behaviour of gases, thermodynamics of solutions, phase equilibria, chemical reaction kinetics, termochemistry - calorimetry and electrochemistry).
Last update: Kubová Petra (06.03.2019)
To obtain the credit it is necessary to complete all prescribed laboratory work, to elaborate and defend the protocols to them. The final grade is calculated from the success of the control tests and the evaluation of laboratory work (protocols). Last update: Vrbka Pavel (31.05.2019)
Separate introduction in english for each laboratory work. Last update: Vrbka Pavel (31.05.2019)
1. Ideal-gas equation of state - determination of molar mass by V. Meyer's method. 2. One-component phase equilibrium - saturated vapour pressure of liquids. 3. Phase diagrams of two-components condensed system - solid-liquid equilibrium. 4. Differential scanning calorimetry I. 5. Temperature dependence of solubility of salts. 6. Calorimetry I - heat of solution of inorganic salts. 7. Kinetics of the first-order reaction. 8. Vapour-liquid equilibrium. Last update: Kubová Petra (06.03.2019)
http://ufch.vscht.cz/studium/bc/laboratore_fch Last update: Kubová Petra (06.03.2019)
Students will be able to apply theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures in laboratory practice. During the laboratory course students will learn basic operations of modern experiment for determination of thermodynamic quantities eg. proper use of electronic laboratory aids and weighing on digital balances. They will learn modern devices and possibilities of computer technology for support of experimental work and at evaluation of results using spreadsheets (Excel and other). Last update: Kubová Petra (06.03.2019)
Physical chemistry I Last update: Kubová Petra (06.03.2019)