The subject deals with cellular and molecular biology of host-pathogen interactions, placing a particular emphasis on mechanisms by which bacteria manipulate the immunity of the host. Specific attention is paid to regulation of gene expression and to genes involved in virulence of bacterial pathogens. The mechanisms of evasion from host immunity and action of adhesins, toxins and other virulence factors are analyzed in detail using prototypic examples of human and animal pathogens.
Last update: Šebo Peter (19.10.2015)
Z: Brenda A. Wilson, Abigail A. Salyers, Dixie D. Whitt, Malcolm E. Winkler: Bacterial Pathogenesis: A Molecular Approach, 3rd edition 2010 ASM Press, ISBN-13: 978-0632037759 Z:Kenneth Murphy, Casey Weaver: Janeway's Immunobiology, Ninth Edition (Immunobiology: The Immune System (Janeway), 2017, Garland Science, ISBN-13: 978-0815345053 D:Goering R., Dockrell H., Roitt I., et al.: Mims' Medical Microbiology, 2012, ELSEVIER, ISBN 9780808924401, 9780702056635. Last update: Šebo Peter (19.01.2018)
1. Co-evolution of bacterial pathogens with their hosts – basic concepts of interaction 2. The immune system of mammals and mucosal and systemic immunity to infection 3. Genomes of bacterial pathogens, horizontal gene transfer and regulation of gene expression 4. The microbial organ – microbiomes of the host in health and disease 5. Basic categories of virulence factors and pathways of their secretion beyond the bacterial membrane 6. Types and mechanisms of action of bacterial protein toxins 7. Pathways and mechanisms of intracellular penetration and survival of bacterial pathogens 8. Experimental system for host-pathogen interaction studies and identification of involved genes 9. basic vaccine types, their design and development 10. Mechanisms of virulence of the genera Bordetella, Mycobacterium, Neisseria, Listeria 11. Corynebacterium diphteriae, Streptococcus pyogenes a Staphylococcus aureus. 12. Clostridium botulinum, perfrigens, tetani, B. cereus, Helicobacter pylori. 13. Ricketsia, Francisella, Coxiella, Neisseria, Listeria, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia 14. Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae. Escherichia coli, EPEC, ETEC, UPEC, NMEC.
Last update: Šebo Peter (19.01.2018)
https://l125lsx.mbu.cas.cz/BacPatho/ Last update: Šebo Peter (19.10.2015)
The students will acquire profound knowledge in the fields of bacteriology, antiinfectious immunity, molecular mechanisms of bacterial virulence and cellular action of bacterial toxins. The potential practical use of acquired knowledge is in research, vaccine and diagnostics develeopment and clinical in microbiology laboratories Last update: Šebo Peter (19.10.2015)
nejsou Last update: Šebo Peter (19.01.2018)