The course will present the basic archaeological methods in terrain, dating methods and legal framework of archaeological research in the Czech Republic. The course will present the main developmental phases of Prehistory and Protohistory in the Czech Republic together with selected exceptional European discoveries. Special attention will be paid to technology of acquiring and processing of raw materials during particular prehistorical periods.
Last update: TAJ148 (18.11.2013)
Studenti se na zkoušku přihlašují přes SIS. Studentovi, který není v SISu zapsán, nebude umožněno zkoušku vykonat. Student, který se ze SISu neodhlásí a na zkoušku se nedostaví, obdrží známku "F". Na mailové a telefonické omluvy nebude brán zřetel. Last update: Bartošová Lenka (01.03.2016)
R:Hložek, M 2008: Encyklopedie moderních metod v archeologii. Archeometrie. ISBN: 978-80-7277-230-8 R:Podborský, V. 1997: Dějiny pravěku a rané doby dějinné, Brno. ISBN: 80-210-1706-6 A:Archeologie pravěkých Čech sv. 1-8, Kolektiv autorů, Praha 2008. ISBN: 978-80-86124-75-9, 978-80-86124-76-6, 978-80-86124-71-1, 978-80-86124-77-3, 978-80-86124-78-0, 978-80-86124-79-7, 978-80-86124-80-3, 978-80-86124-81-0. A:Klápště, J. 2005: Proměna českých zemí ve středověku, Praha. ISBN: 978-80-7422-140-8 A:Kuna, M. a kol. 2004: Nedestruktivní archeologie, Praha. ISBN: 80-200-1216-8 A:Renfrew, C. - Bahn, P. 2012: Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice, London. ISBN: 978-0500290217 A:Podborský, V. (ed.) 1993: Pravěké dějiny Moravy, Brno. ISBN: 80-85048-45-0 Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
1. Legal Framework of Archaeological research in the Czech Republic 2. The basic methods of archaeological research and methods of documentation 3. Cooperation archeaology and natural sciences (paleobotany, geology, osteology, antropology). 4. Dating methods in archaeology. 5. Palaeolithics - mesolithics periods (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 6. Neolitihics (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 7. Eneolithics (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 8. Bronze age (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 9. Early Iron Age (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 10. Late Iron Age (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds). 11. Roman Period (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds) 12. Migration Period (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds) 13. Early Medieval Period (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds) 14. High Medieval Period (review of archaeologicla sites, moveable and immovable finds)
Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Study materials are available at the teacher. Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Students will be able to use:
Last update: TAJ148 (18.11.2013)
None Last update: TAJ148 (07.10.2013)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Konzultace s vyučujícími | 0.1 | 4 | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 1.9 | 52 | ||
3 / 3 | 84 / 84 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Oral examination | 100 |