The course is focused on the development of a project which is related to a particular topic, students create and complete the work on the basis of the informations given by the teacher, individual search for information and consultations with the teacher. The project critically evaluates the applicable procedures within the technological solutions for decontamination of a material of interest or locality. Students assess in a specific project alternative solutions in terms of technological, legislative and economical relation of the compared suggested considered options.
Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)
A: Kuraš, M.; Odpadové hospodářství; Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-86832-34-0. A: Schreiberová, L.; Chemické inženýrství I; VŠCHT Praha, 2011, ISBN: 978-80-7080-778-1. A: Novák, J. a kol.; Fyzikální chemie - bakalářský a magisterský kurz; VŠCHT Praha, 2008, ISBN: 978-80-7080-675-3. A: Matějů, V. (Ed.); Kompendium sanačních technologií; Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor s.r.o., 2006, ISBN: 80-86832-15-5. Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)
Students will deal with the study of decontamination procedures and waste treatment processes, physico-chemical characteristics of processes in related devices and with the study of their specific organization and integration to technological units and the possibility of optimization of individual operations. In addition, students will focus on legislation related to decontamination processes and perform related technological-economical evaluation of proposed/assessed options. Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)
Study materials in electronic form (especially "Chemické inženýrství I", "Fyzikální chemie - bakalářský a magisterský kurz"): http://vydavatelstvi.vscht.cz/katalog/nazvy/ Actual legislation: http://www.mzp.cz/, http://portal.gov.cz/app/zakony/?path=/portal/obcan/ Article archive of electronic journal "Waste forum": http://www.wasteforum.cz/ Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)
Students will be able to: independently obtain information about the technologies and technological units used for processing of waste materials; decide about the effectivity of the assesed processes and its optimization on the basis of the obtained data; estimate costs; understand the legislation related to the operation of the technology, write relevant report, make a presentation and defend proposed solutions and conclusions before an expert committee. Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)
None. Last update: Kubová Petra (17.03.2015)