SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2020/2021
Technology Transfer and Commercialization - M501045
Title: Transfer a komercionalizace technologií
Guaranteed by: Department of Economics and Management (837)
Faculty: Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Actual: from 2020
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:6
E-Credits: summer s.:6
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Zahrádka Jaromír RNDr. Ing. Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Literature - Czech

1. Horáček,R., Čada, K., Hajn, P.: Práva k průmyslovému vlastnictví. 2. doplněné a přepracované vydání, C. H. Beck, Praha 2011

2. Svačina, P.: Oceňování nehmotného majetku

3. Čada, K.: Chránit či nechránit / to je otázka. Výsledky výzkumu a vývoje, jejich ochrana a komercializace. Alevia, 2014

4. Mařík, M.: Oceňování podniku - metody a postupy, Ekopress 2018

5. Scholleová, H.: Hodnota flexbility - Reálné opce, 2009

6. Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., autorský zákon, v platném znění

7. Zákon č. 527/1990 Sb., o vynálezech a zlepšovacích návrzích, v platném znění

Last update: Scholleová Hana (20.02.2021)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Zápočet - průběžná práce, průběžné testy min 50 %.

Zkouška - ústní obhajoba projektu.

Last update: Scholleová Hana (20.02.2021)
Syllabus -

1. Technology transfer – general introduction and legal consequences. Technology transfer offices, its role and agenda.

2. Legal framework.

3. Academy to business (A2B) collaboration models. Legal and ethical questions. (Contracted research, sponsored research, collaborative research, Licensing, Spin-off, joint venture…

4. Project development, TLR, proof of concept, feasibility study and Business plan.

5. Market potential and generators of value of innovative technologies. Model of market niche, Novel markets development, migration of the technology. Strategic analysis.

7. Intellectual property rights. Patent protection, utility model, industrial design, trademarks, trade secrets, copy rights/authorship. Field specifies (engineering, Biotech, Software).

8. License agreements – its structure and crucial parts. Spin-off (or Joint venture) model of collaboration – its structure, shareholders.

9. Market size identification. Market data search. Prior-art benchmark, Innovativeness, Positioning, Market need, Market perception,

10. From sales to profit – top-down and bottom-up approach, license analogy. License fee and revenue-share based deal structure.

11. Risk and its evaluation WACC

12. Market valuation of RnD research – Why and how?: Value based management, investment opportunity analysis, Fair/objectivized value

13. Valuation methods and its use in valuation of RnD results: Cost-based methods, Valuation multiplicators approach, Income based valuation methods, NPV and DCF, License analogy, rNPV, real options

14. Investor perspective: financial/strategic investor, ROI, IRR, risk management tools: convertible bond financing, priority shares, veto rights

Last update: Scholleová Hana (20.02.2021)