The course is based on the fundamental principles of general and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry and solid state chemistry and physics. It opens a way to a deeper understanding the role of energy in chemical processes. The students will have an opportunity to check on the specific examples and problems their ability to assess the reactivity, stability and possibility of formation of inorganic substances.
Last update: VED101 (14.05.2014)
R: W.E. Dasent, Inorganic Energetics: an Introduction, Cambridge University Press, 1982 A: D.A. Johnson, Some Thermodynamic Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry, Cambridge University Press, 1982 Last update: VED101 (14.05.2014)
. 1. Energy changes in inorganic reactions
2. Thermodynamic stability and kinetics
3. Energetics of gaseous atoms, ions and molecules
4. Energetics of ionic crystals. Lattice energies
5. Periodic trends in ΔGof and ΔHof for ionic crystals
6. Estimation of ΔGof for ionic compounds
7. Energetics of covalent compounds. Bond energies
8. Periodic trends in ΔGof and ΔHof for covalent compounds
9. Energetics of metals and alloys
10. Energetics of ions in water solutions. Hydratation
11. Electrode potentials
12. Strength of inorganic acids and bases in aqueous solution
13. Stability of covalent and complex compounds in aqueous systems
14. Thermochemical cycles Last update: FLEMRV (16.05.2014)
Students will be able to:
Clarify the origin as well meaning of energy and entropic contributions to the properties of inorganic substances.
Assess the impact of non-standard conditions on the energy pronouncement of substances.
To estimate the possibility of inorganic compounds inherency.
Justify the behavior of cations and anions in polar solvents.
Explain the periodic trends in the thermodynamic properties of inorganic compounds. Last update: FLEMRV (16.05.2014)