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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitleFacultyDepartmentHours per week, examinationsort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemester4EU+
detail AB101004 Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 101 summer s.:0/4, MC [HT] summer no
detail AB110004 Organic Chemistry II 22310 110 winter s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] winter no
detail AB110005 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I 22310 110 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail AB320004 Biology: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] summer no
detail AB320005 Laboratory of biochemistry 22330 320 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail AB323002 Analysis of Food and Natural Products: Laboratory 22330 323 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail AB402005 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 402 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail AB402006 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory II 22340 402 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail AB403005 Physical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 403 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail AB403006 Physical Chemistry: Laboratory II 22340 403 0/3, MC [HT] both no
detail AB409005 Chemical Engineering Laboratory with Project 22340 409 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail AB444005 Physics: Laboratory 22340 444 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail AM101020 Specialization Laboratory Course – Materials 22310 101 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail AM105021 Individual Project 2 22310 105 summer s.:0/10, MC [HT] summer no
detail AM216011 Atmosphere Analytics: Laboratory 22320 216 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail AM217012 Water Analysis - Laboratory 22320 217 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail AM251003 Environmental Engineering-Laboratory 22320 251 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail AM323019 Control of Food Raw Materials and Commodities: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail AM403034 Advanced Experimental Techniques: Laboratory 22340 403 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail AM409032 Modular Chemical Engineering Laboratory I 22340 409 0/3, MC [HT] both no
detail B101004 Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 101 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B101004Z Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 101 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail B101006 Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory II 22310 101 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail B101008 Laboratory of Chemistry and Special Inorganic Materials Technology 22310 101 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B101009 Bioinformatics: Specialisation Laboratory I 22310 101 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail B101011 Chemistry: Laboratory 22310 106 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail B106009 Laboratory of Chemistry of Biomaterials for Medical Utilization 22310 106 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B106012 Laboratory of chemistry and technology of metallic materials 22310 106 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B110005 Organic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 110 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B110006 Organic Chemistry: Laboratory II 22310 110 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B112006 Laboratory of chemistry and technology of polymeric materials 22310 112 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B126006 Laboratory of chemistry and technology of materials for electronics and nanomaterials 22310 126 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B143006 Computational systems management 22310 143 summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] summer no
detail B148033 Laboratory of Conservation-Restoration Program 22310 148 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail B148039 Restoration Technology: Laboratory I 22310 148 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail B148040 Restoration Technology: Laboratory II 22310 148 summer s.:0/10, MC [HT] summer no
detail B148041 Restoration Technology: Laboratory III 22310 148 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail B240009 Ecotoxicology Laboratory 22320 240 summer s.:0/8, MC [HT] summer no
detail B251001 Laboratory of Fuels 22320 215 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail B251002 Environmental chemistry: Laboratory 22320 240 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail B320004 Biology: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] summer no
detail B320005 Laboratory of biochemistry 22330 320 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B320008 Bioinformatics programm Laboratory II 22330 320 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail B320009 Microbiology: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/5, MC [HT] summer no
detail B320019 Laboratory of biological materials analysis 22330 320 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail B323002 Analysis of Food and Natural Products: Laboratory 22330 323 0/5, MC [HT] both no
detail B323009 Food Analysis and Control: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/4, MC [HT] summer no
detail B402005 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 402 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B402006 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory II 22340 402 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B402008 Laboratory of characterization of nano and microsystems 22340 402 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail B403005 Physical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 403 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B403006 Physical Chemistry: Laboratory II 22340 403 0/3, MC [HT] both no
detail B409005 Chemical Engineering: Laboratory 22340 409 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail B409006 Chemical engineering: Laboratory II 22340 409 summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] summer no
detail B409008 Laboratory of manufacturing of nano and micromaterials 22340 409 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail B444005 Physics: Laboratory 22340 444 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail B444009 Measuring and Control Engineering: Laboratory 22340 444 0/3, MC [HT] both no
detail B700002 Handicraft Techniques I 22310 148 winter s.:0/10, C [HT] winter no
detail B700003 Handicraft Techniques II 22310 148 summer s.:0/10, C [HT] summer no
detail B700004 Handicraft Techniques III 22310 148 winter s.:0/6, C [HT] winter no
detail B700005 Handicraft Techniques IV 22310 148 summer s.:0/4, C [HT] summer no
detail CZV832018 a 22900 832 winter s.:0/0, MC [HT] winter no
detail M101005 Specialized Laboratory - Inorganic Chemistry 22310 101 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M105009 Specialized Laboratory - Hydrogen and Membrane Technologies 22310 105 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M105014 Specialized Laboratory - Basic and Special Inorganic Technologies 22310 105 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M106011 Specialized laboratory – metallic materials 22310 106 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M106014 Specialized laboratory – biomaterials 22310 106 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M108009 Specialized laboratory – materials in forensic chemistry 22310 108 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M110010 Laboratory of Specialization Synthesis of Drugs 22310 110 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M110019 Specialized Laboratory - Organic Chemistry 22310 110 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M111012 Specialized Laboratory of Organic Technology and Fine Chemicals 22310 111 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M111015 Specialized Laboratory of drug production 22310 111 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M112011 Specialized laboratory – polymeric materials 22310 112 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M112015 Specialized laboratory - macromolecular chemistry 22310 112 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M126006 Specialized laboratory – materials for electronics and nanomaterials 22310 126 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M143010 Practical Classes in Bioinformatics I 22310 143 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail M143011 Practical Classes in Bioinformatics II 22310 143 summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] summer no
detail M148005 Conservation Technology: Laboratory 22310 148 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M215005 Laboratory of Petroleum Products 22320 215 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail M215006 Laboratory of Petroleum Technology 22320 215 summer s.:0/8, MC [HT] summer no
detail M216008 Solid Fuels: Laboratory 22320 216 summer s.:0/8, MC [HT] summer no
detail M216011 Atmosphere Analytics: Laboratory 22320 216 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail M216012 Laboratory of Gaseous Fuels 22320 216 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M217011 Hydrobiology and Microbiology: Laboratory 22320 217 summer s.:0/4, MC [HT] summer no
detail M217012 Water Analysis - Laboratory 22320 217 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M217013 Water Technology: Laboratory 22320 217 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M218003 Water Analysis: Seminar and Laboratory 22320 218 winter s.:1/7, MC [HT] winter no
detail M218004 Energetics: Laboratory 22320 218 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail M218015 Laboratory of Environmental Risks in Power Engineering 22320 218 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail M240010 Environmental Engineering: Laboratory 22320 240 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M240012 Environmental Sampling: Laboratory 22320 240 summer s.:0/8, MC [HT] summer no
detail M240014 Microbiology in Environmental Protection 22320 240 winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] winter no
detail M240015 Microorganisms in Polluted Environment 22320 240 summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] summer no
detail M319022 Cultivation Techniques and Modeling of Bioprocesses 22330 319 winter s.:1/7, MC [HT] winter no
detail M320004 Fundamentals of Immunochemistry and Laboratory of Immunochemistry 22330 320 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail M320028 Laboratory of Food Microbiology 22330 320 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail M320048 Clinical biochemistry, hematology and transfusion medicine: Laboratory 22330 320 0/5, MC [HT] both no
detail M320049 Clinical microbiology, immunology and alergology: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/5, MC [HT] summer no
detail M320055 Laboratory of biochemical methods and genetic engineering 22330 320 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail M323003 Chemical Food Safety: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail M323005 Reaction Mechanisms in Food Chemistry: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail M323019 Control of Food Raw Materials and Commodities: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail M323021 Instrumental Methods in Food Analysis: Laboratory 22330 323 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail M323022 Chromatography and mass spectrometry: Laboratory 22330 323 summer s.:0/5, MC [HT] summer no
detail M342012 Isotopically Labelled Compounds: Laboratory 22330 342 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail M342020 Chemistry of Natural Compounds: Semestral Work 22330 342 summer s.:0/5, MC [HT] summer no
detail M342021 Isolation and Separation Methods: Laboratory 22330 342 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail M352006 Laboratory of food technology and process control 22330 352 summer s.:0/8, MC [HT] summer no
detail M352007 Technological Project 22330 352 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402013 Advanced Analytical Methods: the Seminars 22340 402 winter s.:0/8, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402026 Laboratory of specialization Drug Analysis 22340 402 winter s.:0/10, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402037 Laboratory of atomic spectrometry 22340 402 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402038 Laboratory of electroanalytical methods 22340 402 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402039 Laboratory of forensic chemistry 22340 402 winter s.:0/6, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402040 Laboratory of molecular spectrometry 22340 402 summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] summer no
detail M402041 Laboratory of radioanalytical methods 22340 402 summer s.:0/2, MC [HT] summer no
detail M402042 Laboratory of separation methods 22340 402 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail M402047 Analytical Chemistry and Quality Engineering : Semestral Work II 22340 402 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail M403009 Special Methods in Physical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 403 winter s.:0/4, MC [HT] winter no
detail M403015 Special Methods in Physical Chemistry: Laboratory II 22340 403 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail M444005 Measurement and control in industrial processes: Laboratory 22340 446 0/3, MC [HT] both no
detail N110002 Organic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 110 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail N320013 Microbiology: Laboratory 22330 320 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail N320014 Laboratory of biochemistry 22330 320 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail N320085 Laboratory of biological materials analysis 22330 320 winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] winter no
detail N323003 Analysis of Food and Natural Products: Laboratory 22330 323 0/5, MC [HT] both no
detail N402003 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 402 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail N409013 Chemical Engineering: Laboratory 22340 409 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail N409013A Chemical Engineering: Laboratory 22340 409 summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] summer no
detail S101003 Inorganic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 101 summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] summer no
detail S110002 Organic Chemistry: Laboratory I 22310 110 0/4, MC [HT] both no
detail S320008A Industrial and Food Microbiology: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/5, MC [HT] summer no
detail S320013 Microbiology: Laboratory 22330 320 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail S320014 Biochemistry: Laboratory 22330 320 summer s.:0/6, MC [HT] summer no
detail S402003 Analytical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 402 winter s.:0/5, MC [HT] winter no
detail S403013 Physical Chemistry: Laboratory I 22340 403 summer s.:0/4, MC [HT] summer no
detail S409013 Chemical Engineering: Laboratory 22340 409 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail S409013A Chemical Engineering: Laboratory 22340 409 summer s.:0/3, MC [HT] summer no
detail S444003 Physics: Laboratory 22340 444 winter s.:0/3, MC [HT] winter no
detail V832005 Laboratory Technique 22900 832 winter s.:0/2, C [HT] winter no