The Sustainable Development course is focused on introducing the basic principles of sustainability science and sustainable development. The first part of the course introduces the basic anthropogenic impacts on the environment in the context of the triple planetary crisis and the exceeded planetary boundaries. The second part of the course focuses on introducing the principles of sustainable development formulated in the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The relevance and application of SDGs in industrial practice is discussed on specific case studies.
Last update: Kočí Vladimír (03.12.2024)
Písemná a ústní část zkoušky. Last update: Kočí Vladimír (03.12.2024)
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
1. Introduction, history and theory of sustainability science – the relationship between humans and the environment. Sustainability strategies, concepts and tools. Technical, socio-economic and environmental relationships, historical milestones in the implementation of sustainability strategies, the role and activities of the UN, economic and technological contexts of sustainable development, the concept of planetary boundaries, the Green Deal 2. Sustainability science - methodological framework and basic theoretical foundations, three pillars of sustainability: weak and strong sustainability. Progressive theory 3. Environmental limits of human civilisation – climate: greenhouse effect (current state, prediction, interpretation); disturbance of stability, tipping points in the climate system 4. Environmental limits of human civilisation – ecosystems: the interconnectedness of planetary systems, the biodiversity crisis, ecosystem services 5. Environmental limits of human civilisation – chemical substances: eutrophication, acidification, chemical pollution (pesticides, micropollutants), consumption of raw materials, ozone layer 6. Sustainability analysis, quantification and interpretation of indicators – life cycle and environmental footprint assessment, ESG reporting, ecolabelling, greenwashing, sustainability indicators 7. UN Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action: Climate action (Goal No. 13) and international conventions (UNFCCC) 8. Poverty and inequalities – Ending poverty (1) and Reduced inequalities (10) 9. Hunger, health and quality of life – End of hunger (2) and Health and quality of life (3) 10. Decent work, economy, responsible consumption and industry – Decent work and economic growth (8), Responsible production and consumption (12) and Industry, innovation and infrastructure (9) 11. Quality education and gender equality – Quality education (4) and gender equality (5) 12. Drinking water, life in and on land – Drinking water, wastewater (6), life on land (15) and life in water (14) 13. Sustainable cities and communities, affordable and clean energies – Sustainable cities and communities (11) and Available and clean energy (7) 14. Practices and limits to achieving sustainable development; Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (16) and Cooperation to achieve the objectives (17) Last update: Kočí Vladimír (03.12.2024)
Nováček, P.: Udržitelný rozvoj. Univerzita Palackého, 2011.
Moldan, Bedřich. Podmaněná planeta. Vyd. 1. Praha: Karolinum, 2009. Last update: Kubová Petra (10.01.2023)
Hlavním cílem výuky předmětu Udržitelný rozvoj je poskytnout studentům základní informace o principech udržitelnosti a o možnostech jejich uplatňování nejen v technologické a hospodářské praxi. Vedlejšími cíli výuky předmětu je podporovat kritické myšlení studentů a vybízet je k diskusi a reflexi nad celospolečensky závažnými tématy. Last update: Kočí Vladimír (03.12.2024)
Nejsou. Last update: Kočí Vladimír (03.12.2024)