The thesis aims to demonstrate the students' ability to solve the assigned topic independently, describe the methods and results of the solution, critically evaluate and discuss the obtained results, and formulate the most important conclusions. The thesis typically consists of a literary part, in which the students perform a literature search from the professional literature, during which they extend theoretical knowledge in the field of the thesis topic, and a practical part. The practical part is experimental or computational and requires an active application of knowledge and skills acquired in previous studies and knowledge gained in the theoretical part to produce original results. The thesis must include a clear and adequate presentation of the results obtained, their critical evaluation and discussion in the context of the current state of knowledge presented in the literature section, and the formulation of conclusions documenting the fulfilment of the objectives of the thesis.
Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)
The credit is granted after submitting the completed thesis in compliance with internal regulations. This evaluation neither includes nor influences the result of the final thesis presentation. Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)
Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
The thesis is evaluated independently by the supervisor and the reviewer. The report includes the classification by the grades "excellent", "very good", "good", "satisfactory", or "sufficient" together with a recommendation for defence, or as "insufficient" together with a non-recommendation for defence. Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)
1. Literature research and theoretical part of the thesis 2. Planning and completion of the practical part of the thesis 3. Clear processing and comprehensible evaluation of data in tables and graphs 4. Comments on the results of the practical part, formulation of conclusions 5. Learning the principles of the formal editing of the thesis 6. Learning the principles of oral presentation of the content and results of the thesis Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)
https://intranet.vscht.cz/thesis Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)
Students will be able to: 1. use the most significant database systems to compile a literature search, critically assess and evaluate the information obtained and processed; 2. process and reliably interpret the results of experimental work and use the tools of mathematical statistics and mathematical modelling; 3. orally present the content and results of the thesis and rationally use computer support for presentations. Last update: Bindzar Jan (13.04.2023)