Physical Education - AV827001
Compulsory subject Physical Education clearly defines its positive attitude to connecting the mental and physical fitness. It supports an active and healthy lifestyle. Education is of vital importance for the involvement of students in physical education and other physical activities.Physical Education is focused on the development of physical fitness,techniques and tactics of a number of sports disciplines , corrects muscle imbalances caused by unilateral burdens on certain muscles during sports and everyday activities, promotes good posture and improves coordination movement. The social dimension of the subject is important as well-teamwork, communication and friendship. ITC Prague offers a wide variety of sports , sports activities, competitions, supports school representatives, trying to fill leisure activities and creating thereby eventually larger space for the student´s integration with "their school".
Last update: Kubová Petra (29.05.2019)
1) Aerobic 2) Aquaaerobic 3) Badminton 4) Body balance 5) Basketball 6) Fitball 7) Fit-ballet (based on Port De Bras) 8) Florball 9) Judo 10) Pilates 11) Canoeing 12) Climbing 13) Swimming 14) Beach voleyball 15) Strengthening 16) Indoor Soccer 17) Sofball 18) Outdoor sports 19) Squash 20) Table tenis 21) Spinning 22) Stepaerobic 23) Voleyball 24) Medical gymnastics
Last update: Kubová Petra (29.05.2019)
|| Last update: Kubová Petra (29.05.2019)
Students will able to handle: 1) manage rules , techniques and tactics of a number of sports disciplines. 2) increase the level of their performance and endurance. 3) engage in teamwork. 4) stimulate, relax and regenerate, promote a good posture, improve the movement coordination Last update: Kubová Petra (29.05.2019)
Continuity to the primary and secondary school physical education Last update: Kubová Petra (29.05.2019)