The properties and behaviour of chemical substances in main parts of the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere), significant transport processes in the system atmosphere - surface water and groundwater - soils and badrock; the stability of hazardeous elements in different environmental parts; ecological risk.
Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
Passing the oral exam Oral presentation - the defence of invidual project Last update: Doušová Barbora (13.02.2018)
R:Pulford I., Flowers H., Environmental Chemistry at a Glance, Blackwell Publishing, Ltd., 2006,1405135328 R:Skřivan P., Vach M., Úvod do chemie prostředí (učební text), Inst. aplik. ekologie VŠZ, GÚ AVČR, 1995,8021301224 A:van Loon G.W., Duffy S.J., Environmental Chemistry - a global perspective, Oxford University Press, UK, 2000, 0198564406 A:Bartovská L., Šišková M., Fyzikální chemie povrchů a koloidních soustav, VŠCHT Praha, 1999, 8070803371 Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
Requirements to study control:
Project on the specific topic - oral presentation Oral exam Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
1. Introduction - global changes, environmental components, anthopogenic iimpact 2. Atmosphere - atmospheric zones 3. Stratosphere - ozonic chemistry 4. Tropospheric chemistry - atmospheric deposition, smog, atmospheric aerosol 5. Anthropogenic pollutants, climatic changes 6. Hydrosphere - physical chemical properties of water, distribution of the compounds in aquaeous systems 7. Gases and organic compounds in water, microorganisms 8. Metals in aquaeous systems 9. Surface effects, colloidal chemistry 10. Contamination and regeneration of aquaeous systems 11. Geological bedrock, pedosphere 12. Soils chemistry 13. Chemistry of solid wastes and organic pesticides 14. Prediction of environmental development, situation in Europe
Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
lectures to the course: disc S:\BD-ChZP Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
Students will be able to: Indentify and describe the main chemical processes in atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere. Characterize the variability of chemistry in the environmental parts above. Distinquish natural and anthropogenic sources of environmental risks and estimate their harmful impact on the environment. Suggest an effective decontamination technology according to obtained knowledge concerning the chemical behaviour and stability of selected compound in environmental systems (atmosphere, surface water and groundwater,soils). Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
General and Inorganic Chemistry I Toxicology and ecology Last update: Hladíková Jana (03.01.2018)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Obhajoba individuálního projektu | 0.1 | 2 | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1.1 | 30 | ||
Práce na individuálním projektu | 0.7 | 20 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 2 | 55 | ||
4 / 4 | 107 / 112 |