The student will gain an overview of today's technologies used in the energy sector, as well as the available technologies for CO2 capture and use. The content of the course covers the technologies already in use today, but also introduces potentially important technologies for the future. For this reason the subject focuses mainly on renewable energy sources with the aim of sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint of energy installations. Technologies so far limiting RES expansion as energy accumulation are also accented.
Last update: Macák Jan (31.01.2022)
Z: Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy, Oxford University Press, 2004, ISBN: 0-19-926178-4 Z: Handbook of Energy Storage : Demand, Technologies, Integration. 2. TH Koln, Germany: The Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3-662-55503-3. D: Engineering Energy Storage, Odne S. Burheim, Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc, 2017, ISBN 978-0128141007 D: IPCC. (2021). Assessment Report 6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/ D: M. D. Aminu, S. A. Nabavi, C. A. Rochelle and V. Manovic, "A review of developments in carbon dioxide storage", Appl. Energy, vol. 208, pp. 1389–1419, 2017. D: Dincer, I.; Acar, C. Smart energy systems for a sustainable future. Applied Energy 2017, 194, 225–235. D: Kumara, Y.; Ringenberga, J.; Depurua, S. S.; Devabhaktunia, V. K.; Lee, W. J.; Nikolaidis, E.; Andersen, B.; Afjeh, A. Wind energy: Trends and enabling technologies. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016, 153, 209–224. Last update: Pohořelý Michael (02.05.2024)
Oral exam Last update: Macák Jan (07.05.2024)
1. Introduction: energy consumption, resource sustainability, primary energy sources, energy transformation 2. Physico-chemical properties of biomass, carbon cycle of biomass for energy purposes 3. Technology of using biomass and alternative fuels 4. Hydropower (river, tidal and wave), dam and pumping technology, sustainability challenges 5. Geothermal energy, utilization technology, heat pumps 6. Energy use of biogas and waste 7. Concentrated solar energy technology, roof thermal collectors 8. Photovoltaic technology, recycling of PV panels and their sustainability 9. Onshore and offshore wind energy: wind turbine basics and siting, basics of aerodynamics and turbine blade profiles, VE carbon footprint 10. Modern technology in energy, smart grid, virtual battery, virtual power plant, municipal energy community, community PV and its use in big cities 11. Introduction of energy management, assessment of energy technologies - criteria: ecological, energetic, economic and return 12. Technology of energy accumulation and integration of renewable resources into the distribution network, peer-2-peer distribution 13. Available technologies for the capture, transport and storage or utilization of carbon dioxide 14. New directions in nuclear energy technologies, 4th generation reactors, efficiency and sustainability, nuclear fuel availability and nuclear waste storage technologies
Last update: Macák Jan (03.10.2022)
Presentations available on the course website Literature listed in the course syllabus Last update: Macák Jan (31.01.2022)
Students will be able to: 1) To be oriented in the problems of today's energy industry. 2) Make an assessment of today's energy resources and describe the overall potential. 3) Justify the need to reduce CO2 emissions and describe how sustainable energy will contribute to this goal. 4) Evaluate the pros and cons of a wider use of sustainable energy sources and their integration in the energy mix, and describe the technologies that will enable this use. 5) Justify the need for the temporary introduction of CCS/CCU and describe the technologies available for the capture, transport, storage and/or use of carbon dioxide. Last update: Macák Jan (31.01.2022)
Basic orientation in modern energetics trends and interest in its issues. Last update: Macák Jan (31.01.2022)
None Last update: Macák Jan (31.01.2022)