SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Fuel Analysis Laboratory - M228002
Title: Laboratoř analýzy paliv
Guaranteed by: Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry (228)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:5
E-Credits: winter s.:5
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/8, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Staš Martin Ing. Ph.D.
Classification: Chemistry > Analytical Chemistry
Annotation -
The aim of the laboratories is to familiarize students with selected methods of analysis and evaluation of physico-chemical properties of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels. Students will also learn selected sampling methods and become familiar with the evaluation of textural properties of sorbents used for gas cleaning.
Last update: Staš Martin (05.02.2024)
Course completion requirements -

Student participation in all laboratories (30 %).

Delivery of reports to all works in a given timeframe (30 %).

Evaluation of all laboratory works (40 %).

Completion of all tasks and correct completion and submission of all reports.

Successful completion of all prescribed laboratory works is a prerequisite for the course. The overall grade is obtained as the arithmetic average of the grades for the individual laboratory assignments. The grade for a laboratory assignment is obtained as the arithmetic average of the partial grades for (i) the initial examination of the theory and the actual work procedure, (ii) the actual experimental work, and (iii) the quality of the laboratory report.

Last update: Staš Martin (26.06.2024)
Literature -


  • Vrbová, Veronika. Návody pro laboratorní cvičení z plynných paliv. : , , s. ISBN 978-80-7080-972-3.
  • Speight, J. G.. Handbook of petroleum product analysis. : , , s. ISBN 978-1-118-36926-5.
  • Elvers, Barbara, Schütze, Andrea. Handbook of fuels, energy sources for transportation. : , , s. ISBN 978-3-527-33385-1.

Last update: prepocet_literatura.php (19.12.2024)
Teaching methods - Czech

Laboratoř probíhá v jednotlivých týdnech, kdy studenti pracují na vybraných laboratorních pracích.

Last update: Staš Martin (05.02.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction to laboratory and safety training

2. Proximate analysis of solid fuels and elemental analysis (C, H, N, S, O)

3. Determination of higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating (LHV)

4. Sampling of gas

5. Chromatographic analysis of gas

6. Determination of hydrogen sulfide in gas

7. Determination of ammonia in gas

8. Determination of water in petroleum and petroleum products

9. Determination of sulfur in petroleum products

10. Preparative group analysis of petroleum products

11. Determination of biodiesel content and determination of oxidation stability of diesel fuel

12. Determination of chemical composition of automotive gasolines

13. Determination of biodiesel composition

14. Determination of selected textural parameters of different sorbents

Last update: Staš Martin (05.02.2024)
Learning resources - Czech

J. Kroufek a kol.: Návody na laboratorní práce Ústavu technologie ropy a alternativních paliv, 2016.

Kolektiv autorů: Návody k laboratorním cvičením z tuhých paliv, ÚPKOO, VŠCHT Praha.

Kolektiv autorů: Technický rozbor tuhého paliva - statistické zpracování obsahu vlhkosti, prchavé hořlaviny a popela v tuhém palivu, VŠCHT, Praha

Kolektiv autorů: Návody k laboratorním cvičením z tuhých paliv, VÚHU, Most

Last update: Staš Martin (02.09.2024)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

• apply selected fuel sampling methods

• prepare fuel samples for analysis

• determine selected properties of gaseous, liquid and solid fuels

• determine of selected properties of sorbents

Last update: Staš Martin (05.02.2024)
Registration requirements -


Last update: Staš Martin (05.02.2024)