SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Smart Cities, Sustainable Construction and Mobility - M501052
Title: Smart cities, udržitelná výstavba a mobilita
Guaranteed by: Department of Economics and Management (837)
Faculty: Central University Departments of UCT Prague
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:6
E-Credits: winter s.:6
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Hudeček Tomáš doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
Interchangeability : AM501052
Annotation -
The course Smart cities offers a comprehensive view of planning and management of sustainable development of settlements and regions through the prism of the concept of smart cities. The Smart cities course will enable students to get acquainted with relevant Czech and European methodologies, examples of good practice and basic agendas and technological principles. The issue of smart cities is presented through the paradigm of environmental, social and economic sustainability and the need to harmonize technological and social innovations. The course also deals with administrative and financial tools to support sustainable urban development. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the concept of smart cities, paradigms of their management and planning, relevant interdisciplinary overlaps and methodological and institutional anchoring so that they are able to use the SC concept or links to it in managing and planning sustainable projects.
Last update: Švecová Lenka (28.01.2022)
Course completion requirements -

Credits will be based on attendance and elaboration of papers. The oral exam have to be passed for completion the course.

Last update: Švecová Lenka (28.01.2022)
Literature -


• ČVUT (kol. aut.): Metodika Smart Cities. Metodika pro přípravu a implementaci konceptů Smart Cities na úrovni měst, obcí a regionů. MMR, Praha 2019.

• Kol. aut., ed. Bízková, R.: SMART Česko. SMOČR, Praha 2020.

• IPR: Strategický plán hl. m. Prahy. IPR, Praha 2016.

• Dokumenty EU k agendě SC.


• Kol. aut., ed. Štěpánek, P.: Praha – Vídeň: Cesty ke Smart Cities ve střední Evropě. BEZK 2016.

• Svítek, M, Postránecký, M: Města budoucnosti. NADATUR, Praha 2018.

• Slavík, J.: Smart city v praxi. Profi Press 2017

• ČVUT, ČAV: Sociální bydlení (certifikovaná metodika). ČVUT 2019.

• IPR – CAMP. Záznamy přednášek (dostupné na FB).

• Koncepční a strategické dokumenty vlády ČR (strategie, akční plány; energetická koncepce, udržitelná mobilita, politika architektury a stavební kultury, ochrana klimatu).

• Půček, M., Koppitz, D.: Strategické plánování a řízení pro obce, města a regiony. NSZM 2012

• Strategický plán Ostrava (FAJNova Ostrava) 2017 – 2030.

• Tichý, D., Kohout, M., Tittl, F. & Karabcová, N.: Jak hodnotit udržitelnost bydlení? Praha: NSZM 2020.

• Modrožlutá kniha Smart city Písek.

• SC koncepty evropských a světových měst (Barcelona, Kodaň, Mnichov atd.).

• MMR: Strategie regionálního rozvoje ČR 2014–2020. Praha: MMR 2014.

• Časopisy SS magazine, City:one.

Last update: Švecová Lenka (28.01.2022)
Syllabus -

1. The concept of smart cities. Introduction to ther SC agenda. Evolution of the SC approach, principles, institutional and methodological anchoring. Relationship to policies and agendas of TUR. Sustainability and resilience paradigm..

2. Relationship between Smart cities and strategic, spatial and territorial planning.

3. Methodological and policy frameworks. Indicators, project evaluation. Typical sectoral projects. Relationship to the Industry 4.0 concept.

4. Climate protection - key paradigm of the SC concept. Carbon footprint. Externalities

5. Smart cities and sustainable construction. Smart buildings. Relationship between SC and urbanism. Certification of buildings. Administrative and financial support for projects.

6. Social innovation in SC. Social cohesion in SC. Housing affordability. Socio-economic aspects of the SC concept. Society 4.0.

7. Economic and management models for SC. Economic and administrative instruments, case studies. The sharing economy.

8. Water infrastructure and its management through the prism of municipal management. Urban water retention, rainwater harvesting.

9. Green infrastructure. Urban heat islands.

10. Eenergy concept. Renewable energy sources in SC. Smart grids. Emission trading.

11. Sustainable mobility in SC. Accessibility and permeability of settlements and regions. Economic models, technologies, regulations, projects. Shared mobility. Public transport.

12. Circular economy projects in smart cities concepts.

13. Social, gender, cultural aspects of Smart cities. ICT. eGov.

14. Public space. Design for Smart cities.

Last update: Švecová Lenka (28.01.2022)
Learning outcomes -

Students will know and understand the concept and agendas of smart cities in all relevant inerdisciplinary contexts. They will understand the principles of planning and managing a sustainable and smart city and its anchoring in public strategies and policies. Graduates of the course will be capable of indicator-based evaluation and benchmarking. They will be familiar with relevant case studies from the EU and the Czech Republic and profile smart city technologies.

Last update: Švecová Lenka (28.01.2022)