SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Water Analysis: Seminar and Laboratory - N218011
Title: Seminář a laboratoř analytiky vody
Guaranteed by: Department of Power Engineering (218)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2019
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:6
E-Credits: winter s.:6
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:0/8, MC [HT]
Extent per academic year: 6 [hours]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: cancelled
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Novotná Miroslava Ing. CSc.
Is interchangeable with: M218003
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The course is designed for application of analytical methods in analysis of drinking water, service and industrial water, power and waste water. The course gives information and practical experience with advantageous standardized and experimental methods. The methods include are titration, potentiometry, spectroscopy, chromathography, gravimetry, e.g.
Last update: TAJ218 (25.11.2013)
Literature -

R:Horáková M.,Lischke P.,Grünwald A.,Chemické a fyzikální metody analýzy vod,04-614-86

R:Horáková M. a kol.,Analytika vody,2007,978-80-7080-520-6

Last update: NOVOTNAI (27.09.2013)
Syllabus -

1. Preparation of solutions, calibration of instruments, pH and conductivity of water

2. Neutralizing capacity, determination of Ca 2+ and Mg2+, insoluble substances

3. Determination of salts, dissolved oxygen

4. Chemical oxygen demand - Mn, Cr

5. AAS determination of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd, Co, Ag, K, Na

6. Determination of Cl- - argentometry, mercurymetry, determination of SO42- - gravimetry

7. Determination of NO3-, NO2-, F-

8. Determination of phosphates, silicates and sulphites

9. Determination of sulphides, NH4+, Cr

10. Photometric determination of Cu, Al, Fe

11. Determination of nonpolar extractable substances, determination of CN.

12. Determination of phenoles and tensides

13. Determination of humic substances, complex analysis of water

14. Complex analysis of water

Last update: NOVOTNAI (11.09.2013)
Learning resources

Last update: Fialová Jana (30.09.2013)
Learning outcomes -

The students will be able to practise analysis of standardized methods, apply experimental methods, modify those according to the standards of good laboratory practise.

Last update: TAJ218 (25.11.2013)
Registration requirements -

Analytical chemistry I

Last update: NOVOTNAI (27.09.2013)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Konzultace s vyučujícími 0.5 14
Účast v laboratořích (na exkurzi nebo praxi) 3 84
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 0.5 14
Účast na seminářích 2 56
6 / 6 168 / 168
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Regular attendance 30
Report from individual projects 60
Examination test 10