SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Courses overview, academic year 2019/2020
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detail B413003 Applied Statistics both 1/2, C+Ex [HT] 413 22340 no
detail M413042 Multivariate data analysis summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 599 22340 no
detail AP402014 Multivariate Statistical Methods both 2/1, other [HT] 402 22340 no
detail AM501001 Statistical Analysis winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 501 22000 no
detail AP403015 Statistical treatment of experimental data both 2/1, other [HT] 403 22340 no
detail M501001 Statistical Analysis winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 501 22000 no
detail B143053 Statistical data analysis summer summer s.:0/15, MC [HS] 599 22340 no
detail M143002 Statistical Data Analysis winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 143 22310 no
detail P403015 Statistical treatment of experimental data both 2/1, other [HT] 403 22340 no
detail M402016 Multivariate Statistical Methods summer summer s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 402 22340 no
detail P402014 Multivariate Statistical Methods both 2/1, other [HT] 402 22340 no
detail M320078 Data analysis in R both 0/15, C [HS] 599 22340 no