SubjectsSubjects(version: 963)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Sustainable Development - AB241001
Title: Sustainable Development
Guaranteed by: Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology (241)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2023
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: English
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Kočí Vladimír prof. Ing. Ph.D., MBA
Classification: Chemistry > Environmental Chemistry
Annotation -
The subject Sustainable Development is focused on introducing the basic principles of sustainability science and sustainable development strategies. In the course, the concept of planetary boundaries is explained to students and basic anthropogenic factors leading to their exceeding are introduced. Students will be acquainted with the basic methods of environmental analyses and the principles of interpretation of their results. Based on the methodological framework of sustainability science, students will be introduced to the individual Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, UN). The main objective of teaching the subject Sustainable Development is to provide students with basic information about the principles of sustainability and the possibilities of their application not only in technological and economic practice. The secondary objectives of teaching the subject are to support students' critical thinking and to encourage them to discuss and reflect on socially relevant topics.
Last update: Kočí Vladimír (12.01.2023)
Aim of the course - Czech

Hlavním cílem výuky předmětu Udržitelný rozvoj je poskytnout studentům základní informace o principech udržitelnosti a o možnostech jejich uplatňování nejen v technologické a hospodářské praxi. Vedlejšími cíli výuky předmětu je podporovat kritické myšlení studentů a vybízet je k diskusi a reflexi nad celospolečensky závažnými tématy.

Last update: Kubová Petra (10.01.2023)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Písemná a ústní část zkoušky.

Last update: Kubová Petra (10.01.2023)
Literature -


  • UN Transforming our world, UN, 2016
  • Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st-century economist, RAWORTH, Kate. , 2017

Last update: Kočí Vladimír (20.06.2024)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction, history and theory of sustainability science – relationship between man and the environment, definition of sustainability – Brundtland, three pillars of sustainability; weak and strong sustainability

2. Environmental limits of human civilization – climate – greenhouse effect (current state, prediction, interpretation); disturbance of stability, tipping points of the climate system

3. Environmental limits of human civilization – ecosystems – interconnectedness of planetary systems, biodiversity crisis, ecosystem services

4. Environmental limits of human civilization – chemical substances – eutrophication, acidification, chemical pollution (pesticides, micropollutants), consumption of raw materials, ozone layer

5. Sustainability analysis, quantification and interpretation of indicators – LCA and footprint indicators (explanation of methodology and calculation), ESG, ecolabelling, greenwashing

6. UN Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action – TowardsPolitical Action (Goal No. 13) and international conventions

7. Poverty and inequalities – Ending poverty (1) and inequalities(10) – definition of poverty, inequalities – equality vs. equity, double injustice, colonialism, human rights, representation of minorities

8. Hunger, health and quality of life – End of hunger (2) and Health and quality of life (3) – reasons for hunger and their relationship to climate change and other factors, climate grief; Hunger in Developing Countries vs. malnutrition in industrial, overweight and civilization diseases; access to health care (geographical and financial, insurance), relationship of the spread and origin of diseases to the environment, possibilities of feeding the population within planetary limits

9. Decent work, economy, responsible consumption and industry – Decent work and economic growth (8), Responsible production and consumption (12) and Industry, innovation and infrastructure (9) –economic models, doughnut economics, degrowth, responsible consumption, indicators, research and innovation, SMEs v. Corporate Social Responsibility

10. Quality education and gender equality – Quality education (4) and gender equality (5) – educational inequalities, quality and inclusiveness, the impact of education on democratic prosperity, the situation in developing countries; gender pay gap, glass ceiling, care, availability of part-time jobs, disadvantage of women in science, sexual violence, sexism

11. Drinking water, life in and on land – Drinking water, waste water (6), life on land (15) and life in water (14) – access to drinking water, limits of drinking water availability (drought, pollutants, basic possibilities of pollutant treatment), alternative sources – wastewater treatment, desalinization; possibilities of saving water in households and industry, water systems, water in the landscape, stability of systems, fishing; protected areas

12. Sustainable cities and communities, affordable and clean energies – Sustainable cities and communities (11) and Available and clean energy (7) – housing availability, adaptation to climate change, heat islands, relations between cities and their surroundings, mobility in the city, air pollution, smart cities; energy sources, energy security, renewables, energy efficiency and savings, energy poverty

13. Practices and limits to achieving sustainable development; Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (16) and Cooperation to achieve the objectives (17) – justice, transparent institutions, rule of law, corruption, human rights; common but differentiated responsibility, environmental justice; General summary – Vision for a sustainable society

Last update: Kočí Vladimír (12.01.2023)
Learning resources - Czech

Nováček, P.: Udržitelný rozvoj. Univerzita Palackého, 2011.

Moldan, Bedřich. Podmaněná planeta. Vyd. 1. Praha: Karolinum, 2009.

Last update: Kubová Petra (10.01.2023)
Registration requirements - Czech


Last update: Kubová Petra (10.01.2023)