Credit: online tests of articles, literature and other outputs on the topic, activity in seminars, individual reflection. Exam: result of the simulation game (30%), online tests (20%), essay exam (50%). Last update: Švecová Lenka (13.05.2022)
R: SCHILLING, M. A., & SHANKAR, R. Strategic management of technological innovation. McGraw-Hill Education. 2019. A: TIDD J., BESSANT J. R. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 2013. A: SILVERSTEIN, D., SAMUEL, P., DECARLO, N. The innovator's toolkit. 50+ techniques for predictable and sustainable organic growth. Hoboken, John Wiley. 2012. A: DAVILA, T., EPSTEIN, M. J., SHELTON, R. How to become innovative. Amazon. 2013. A: GOFFIN, K, MITCHELL, R. Innovation Management: Effective Strategy and Implementation. 3rd ed. 2017. A: TROTT, P. Innovation Management and New Product Development. 6th ed. Pearson. 2017. Last update: Švecová Lenka (13.05.2022)
1. Introduction to the subject - what is innovation management 2. Competitiveness – concept of competitiveness, world economy, OECD and EU perspective, relationship to innovation 3. Support for innovation activities, Innovation clusters 4. Innovation – concept of innovation, typology of innovation 5. Innovation cycles and trends 6. Business innovation strategy 7. Innovation process – sequential vs. integrated management of the innovation process 8. Evaluation of innovations 9. Approaches to change management 10. Methods and techniques for innovation management 11. Intellectual property and its protection - industrial rights, other forms of protection 12. Economic aspects of innovation 13. Knowledge management - capital based on knowledge, intra-business 14. An alternative view on innovation management Last update: Švecová Lenka (05.08.2022)