Zápočet: aktivní účast na cvičeních, zpracování projektových a individuálních úkolů Zkouška: 60% hodnocení = kvalita výstupů v projektu; 40% hodnocení = kvalita individuálního výstupu v podobě reflektivní eseje Last update: Vlachý Jan (06.04.2020)
Povinná literatura: Adler, R.B., Elmhorst, J and Lucas, K. (2013). Communicating at Work. Chapter 7: Leading and Working in Teams. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp. 184-209. Camerer, R. & Mader, J (2012). Intercultural Competence in Business English. Chapter 3: Intercultural theory. Cornelsen: Berlin, pp. 29-41. Camerer, R. & Mader, J (2012). Intercultural Competence in Business English. Chapter 7: Corporate Last update: Vlachý Jan (06.04.2020)
The subject focuses on development of teamwork competence in global virtual teams in the business environment. The students will receive in-class input based on theoretical background and hands-on practice to be able to carry out team project work among five European universities (CR, Germany, Ireland, France, Finland). The teams work as consultants providing a small or medium-sized enterprise with recommendations for developing a digital corporate communication strategy for a country in which the enterprise is currently not operating, but to which it is considering expanding. In the course plan, there are three synchronous project workshops in which the teams meet and work together on the project tasks. As a project follow-up, the students write individually a reflection based on critical incidents collected throughout the project work.
1. Introduction to working in GVTs; basic concepts 2. Aspects of working in GVTs 3. Video-conferencing skills for GVTs 4. Developing a cross-cultural communication strategy 5. Workshop 1 – agile work processes in GVTs 6. Critical-incident analysis 7. Selecting a foreign market 8. Selecting a digital communication strategy 9. Workshop 2 – working on internationalisation ideas 10. Workshop 3 – preparing the team presentation and executive summary 11. Best practice in GVTs 12. Video conference presentations of project results 13. Writing a reflection on GVTs using the critical incidents 1 14. Writing a reflection on GVTs using the critical incidents 2 Last update: Švecová Lenka (14.09.2022)