The aim of the course is to contribute to the understanding of the sustainability of our current energy systems. Sustainability here means maintaining diversity and productivity for as long as possible, but preferably indefinitely. Existing energy sources based mainly on fossil fuels and uranium are currently undergoing a system change. There are three main aspects of energy transition: energy efficiency moderates demand growth; the decarbonisation of the electricity sector; and the electrification of energy end-use sectors. The aim is to reflect this remarkable progress in the field of alternative methods and technologies for the production of basic energy carriers such as heat, transport fuels and power. This system change will not be possible without the temporary support of existing fossil and nuclear resources but the aim is to seek a potential solution through knowledge of low emission energy systems, their physical principles, economics, environmental impact and their integration into transnational energy systems. The fast-growing renewable energy sector will soon move from the innovative phase (up to 2% market penetration) to peaking (5-10% market penetration). During RES peaking fossil fuel consumption is also at its peak. In the longer term, rapid change (10-50%) of the RES market penetration) will follow, with fossil resources moving to the end-game stage.Only DSP students who have not completed the Alternative Energy Sources course in Master's degree can register for this subject.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Students will be able to: Analyze processes in the production of ecological green electricity Balance and optimize basic technologies for solar and geothermal resource utilization Design a simple photovoltaic system with battery storage for house application Analyze the levellized cost of electricity from sustainable and renewable technologies Design of battery storage to cover the consumption of typical family house Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
D:Sjaak van Loo, Jaap Koppejan:The Handbook of Biomass Combustion & Cofiring, Earthscan,2008,978-84407-249-1 D:21th Century Complete Guide to Biofuels and Bioenergy, on CD ROM, Department of Energy Alternative Fuel Rresearch,1-59248-279-1 D:Thomsa B. Johansson, Henry Kelly, Amulya K. N. Reddy: Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity,Island Press,1992,1559631384 D:Paul Gipe:Wind Power,Revised Edition:Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business,Chelsea Green Publishing Company;19314981482004 D:Godfrey Boyle:Renewable Energy:Power for Sustainable Future-Second Edition,Oxford University Press,2004,0-19-926178-4 D:James Larminie, Andrew Dicks , John Wiley & Sons:Fuel Cell Systems Explained,2 edition,2003,047084857X ENF China (www.enf.cn) Global Solar Thermal Energy Council (www.solarthermalworld.org) Greentech Media (www.greentechmedia.com) PV Tech (www.PV-tech.org) Renewable Energy World (www.renewableenergyworld.com) Solar Industry (www.solarindustrymag.com) SolarServer (www.solarserver.de) Top 50 Solar (www.top50-solar.de) Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Alternative energy sources I., http://web.vscht.cz/jiriceki Alternative energy sources II., http://web.vscht.cz/jiriceki Mastný Petr et all: Renewable sources of electric energy http://k315.feld.cvut.cz/CD_MPO/CVUT-2-OZE.pdf Handbook for Solar Photovoltaic (PV)Systems, http://www.bca.gov.sg/publications/others/handbook_for_solar_pv_systems.pdf Renewable Energy Technologies, Long Term Research in the 6th Framework Programme,2002 I 2006, http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/pdf/synopses_res_en.pdf Introduction to Renewable Energy Technology, A YEAR-LONG SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COURSEby Matthew A. Brown, Lakewood, CO, http://www.nrel.gov/education/pdfs/educational_resources/high_school/re_intro.pdf Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Presentations, selfstudy and consultations Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
1. Acceptable test score 2. Acceptable score in oral examination Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
First part will deal with a) energy transformation into electrical energy, b) sustainable nuclear technologies, c) support systems of RES, incentives, tariff-based competitive auctions, payback periods of RES systems Second part will cover energy systems based on solar energy d) photovoltaic and photothermic systems, modularity and performance ratio, f) hydroenergetic and eolic systems, g) advanced technologies for biomass utilization Third part will cover renewable non-solar systems and low-emission technologies h) enhanced geothermal systems i) CCS systems The last part will summarize new trends and cover j) the integration of energy sources into smart electrical grids k) enhanced storage systems.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
None Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)
Hodnocená prezentace aktuálního tématu z oblasti udržitelné energetiky Ústní zkouška Last update: Pátková Vlasta (19.11.2018)