The seminar focuses on two basic problems of scientific work:
1) Technology transfer, i.e. in general the relationship between research and application of results, possibilities, procedures and methods of transfer of research results into practice, alternatives how to evaluate research results and protect results in the form of a patent
2) Copyright, i.e. its subject, genesis and content, with a focus on scientific publishing activities, license agreements, protection of computer programs and the relationship between the author and the employer
Výstupy studia předmětu
Students will be able to:
Answer basic questions related to scientific work, such as the allocation of human and financial resources in research, the relationship between research and the application of research results.
Know the possibilities of successful transfer of research results into practice and legal protection of these results
Understand the relationship between the author and the employer under copyright law
Last update: Kubová Petra (22.03.2021)
1.Horáček,R., Čada, K., Hajn, P.: Práva k průmyslovému vlastnictví. 2. doplněné a přepracované vydání, C. H. Beck, Praha 2011 2.Čada K.: Know – how a obchodní tajemství, 2010 3.Jakl, L.: Právní ochrana průmyslového a jiného duševního vlastnictví. Repetitorium, MUP, Praha 2011 4.Jakl, L.: Metodologie vědy a výzkumu se zaměřením na oblast práv k průmyslovému a jinému duševnímu vlastnictví, MUP, Praha 2015 5.Zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., autorský zákon, v platném znění 6.Zákon č. 527/1990 Sb., o vynálezech a zlepšovacích návrzích, v platném znění 7.J. Srstka et al., Autorské právo a práva související: vysokoškolská učebnice. 2017. 8.M. Merhautová, Zaměstnanecké dílo dle autorského zákona ve veřejné výzkumné instituci, Praha: Academia, 2015. 9.L. Jansa, P. Otevřel, a M. Števko, Softwarové právo. 2018 Last update: Kubová Petra (16.03.2021)
Technology transfer, patents and licenses (Prof. Ing. M. Fusek, CSc .; 6 hours): 1. Basic science and applications (2 hours): • The relationship between science and applications • Historical context • Specific examples
2. The need to protect intellectual property and its value (2 hours) • Basic information on intellectual property protection • Patent life cycle • The status of academic staff and protection of intellectual property • How to determine the value of the invention • Specific examples
3. Possibilities, procedures and methods to actively support the transfer of science and research results into practice (2 hours) • Examples of the organization of "technology transfer" in academic workplaces • The role of technology scouts in technology transfer • The most common types of technology transfer agreements (confidentiality agreements, MTAs, joint invention agreements, licensing agreements) • Principles of communication between research institutions and the business sphere • Specific examples
Copyright and protection of intellectual property (Mgr. M. Beluský, 3 hours) • Copyright, subject, origin and content • Copyright protection of a computer program • Scientific publishing activities from the point of view of copyright • Is the employee an author? • License agreement Last update: Kubová Petra (22.03.2021)
Students will be able to: Answer basic questions related to scientific work, such as the allocation of human and financial resources in research, the relationship between research and the application of research results. Know the possibilities of successful transfer of research results into practice and legal protection of these results. Understand the relationship between the author and the employer under copyright law. Last update: Popová Veronika (22.03.2021)