The subject extends the description and interpretation of basic rheological characteristics of materials with complex rheological behavior and follows the interpretation of rheology basics in the subject of Advances Processes of Food Technology and Biotechnology. Supplementary food rheology describes the complex rheological properties of food materials in detail and especially materials based on cereal raw materials, starch, chocolate and various types of fillings. Further, a basic overview of rheometry and a detailed overview of rheological devices in cereal laboratories are presented.
Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)
Students will acquire knowledge for application in testing and evaluation of materials quality in the field of food processing control and research, especially in the field of cereal processing, starch production, chocolate and confectionery. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)
R: Barnes H., Hutton J., Walters K.: An introduction to rheology. New York: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier Science Pub. Co. Rheology series 1989. Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)
Basic classification of substances according to rheological behavior (viscous, elastic, plastic, viscoelastic), rheological models. Viscosity anomalies, Newtonian, non-Newtonian, combined plasticity types, flow curves and deformation curves. Characteristics of viscoelastic behavior, graphical and mathematical description, model of ideal rheological behavior. Linear and nonlinear viscoelastic behavior, real viscoelastic substances, modules characterizing types of viscoelastic behavior. Rheometry, main types of viscometers (capillary, body, rotary, oscillatory), universal instruments and methods for measuring viscosity, elasticity, viscoelasticity (Instron, texturometers,T-analyzer), devices for empirical measurement of rheological properties in the food industry (Brookfield, Mc Michel, etc.). Classification of cereal laboratory instruments to measuring on an empirical basis (dynamic, static conditions). Devices of cereal labs for measuring of steady deformations (so called static, extenzograph, alveograph, etc.). Devices of cereal labs for measuring of continuous deformations (so called dynamic, farinograph, mixograph, etc.) Devices of cereal labs for measuring of viscometer principle. Measurement of rheological characteristics of semi-solids and solids (bread crumb, biscuits, pasta etc.). Interpretation of results from cereal lab devices in technology and evaluation of cereal product quality Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)
Subjects: Physics Food Processes Practice (laboratory exercises in the learning course, practice in cereal laboratories) in measurement with empirical cereal instruments Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)
Participation in consultation meeting Oral exam Last update: Pátková Vlasta (15.11.2018)