SubjectsSubjects(version: 965)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Principles of cultural heritage objects care - B148031
Title: Základy péče o památky
Guaranteed by: Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation (148)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Technology
Actual: from 2024
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Koubová Pavlína Mgr. DiS.
Interchangeability : N148039
Annotation -
The programme is designed to provide undergraduate students with a comprehensive view of the basic aspects of conservation and museology. Students will become familiar with Czech legislation and basic terminology of these fields. The lectures will give students the necessary overview of the institutional structure of the Czech state heritage care and will help them to navigate the legal and disciplinary regulations dealing with the protection of tangible cultural heritage at the national and international level. After completing the lectures, students will gain an idea of the process of negotiating the restoration of a cultural monument, including restoration intervention. They will learn how museum institutions function, including the processes of exhibition planning, curation and collections management. The program is complemented by hands-on activities that will give students deeper insight into the field.
Last update: Drábková Klára (04.06.2024)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Předmět je zakončen zkouškou.

Studenti se na zkoušku přihlašují přes SIS. Studentovi, který není na zkoušku v SISu zapsán, nebude umožněno zkoušku vykonat.

Student, který se ze zkoušky prostřednictvím SISu neodhlásí (v závažných případech je možná omluva bez zbytečného odkladu přímo zkoušejícímu) a na zkoušku se nedostaví, obdrží známku "F".

Zkouška z předmětu je ústní.

Last update: Drábková Klára (05.06.2024)
Literature -

Assessing the Values of Cultural Heritage, GCI, Los Angeles 2001.

Brandi, C.: Teorie restaurování, Tichá Byzanc, Kutná Hora 2000. ISBN 80-86359-03-4.

Beneš, J.: Základy muzeologie. Opava 1997

Boylan, P. (ed.)2004: Running a museum: A Practical Handbook, Paris.

Dean, D. 1996: Museum Exhibition: Theory and practise, London.

Dvořák, M.: Katechismus památkové péče, SÚPPOP, Praha 1991. ISBN: 9788086234557

Hupko D. (ed.) 2017: De/akvizičná činnosť v múzejnej praxi. Banská Bystrica.

Chovančíková, I. (ed.), 2006: Kritika muzejní výstavní tvorby. Hodonín.

Meijer-van Mensch, L. – van Mensch, P. 2011: New trends in museology. Celje.

Mezinárodní dokumenty o ochraně kulturního dědictví, svazek 1, NPÚ, Praha 2007. ISBN 978-80-87104-14-9

Riegl A.: Moderní památková péče, NPÚ ÚP, Praha 2003. ISBN 80-86234-34-7

Stránský, Z.: Muzeologie – úvod do studia. Brno 1995

Varhaník, J.; Malý, S.: Zákon o státní památkové péči: Komentář. Praha 2011. ISBN 978-80-7357-659-2

Waidacher, F. 1999: Príručka všeobecnej muzeológie. Bratislava. Žalman, J. a kol. 2002: Příručka muzejníkova I. Praha, Brno.

Žalman, J. 2016: Kapesní průvodce po muzeu a muzejnictví. Praha.

Last update: Drábková Klára (04.06.2024)
Syllabus -

Chapter 1: Introduction to conservation

  • History and development of conservation in the Czech Republic and worldwide

Chapter 2: The legal framework of conservation

  • Basic legal norms and their application in practice

Chapter 3: Categorisation of cultural heritage

  • Division of heritage into movable, immovable and intangible

Chapter 4: International standards and agreements

  • Overview of international agreements and conventions on heritage protection

Chapter 5: Definitions and functions of museums

  • The roles of museums in contemporary society

Chapter 6: Typology of museums

  • Classification of museums by focus and type of collections

Chapter 7: Collection strategies in museums

  • Approaches and methods for collecting artefacts in museum practice

Chapter 8: Ethics of collecting

  • Ethical aspects and dilemmas of collecting

Chapter 9: Collection management

  • Collections management in a museum context

Chapter 10: Challenges and Solutions in Acquisitions

  • Obstacles and strategies in acquiring new objects

Chapter 11: Theory and practice of exhibition criticism

  • Fundamentals of evaluating and interpreting museum exhibitions

Chapter 12: World Museums and Galleries

  • Examples of major world museum institutions

Chapter 13: Digital Technologies in Museums

  • The use of modern technologies for collections management and interaction with the public

Chapter 14: The future of conservation and museology

  • Trends and challenges in cultural heritage conservation and museum practice
Last update: Drábková Klára (04.06.2024)
Learning resources -

Study materials are available at the teacher.

Last update: Fialová Jana (11.01.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

  • the basic concepts, history, principles and legislation of conservation
  • the basics of the methodology of heritage conservation
  • basic concepts, history, principles and legislation of the field of museology
  • current trends in museology in the field of preservation, registration and use of collections and museum management
  • basic principles of planning and creating exhibitions and educational functions of museums

Last update: Drábková Klára (04.06.2024)
Registration requirements -


Last update: Fialová Jana (11.01.2018)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 2 56
3 / 3 84 / 84