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Climate change affects water management in many ways, from the frequency and intensity of seasonal and long-term manifestations of drought and flood events to the impact on surface and groundwater resources and technological approaches to drinking water treatment and wastewater treatment. In this course, students will gain information about the main aspects of the above phenomena and the possibilities of adapting water management to these phenomena.
Last update: Jeníček Pavel (31.08.2021)
Změna klimatu ovlivňuje vodní hospodářství mnoha způsoby, od frekvence a intenzity sezonních i dlouhodobých projevů sucha a povodňových událostí po ovlivnění povrchových a i podzemních vodních zdrojů a technologických přístupů k úpravě pitných vod a čištění odpadních vod. V rámci tohoto předmětu studenti získají informace o hlavních aspektech výše uvedených jevů a možnostech adaptace vodního hospodářství na tyto jevy.
Last update: Jeníček Pavel (31.08.2021)
Literature -
1) Howard, Guy, et al. "Climate change and water and sanitation: likely impacts and emerging trends for action." Annual review of environment and resources 41 (2016): 253-276.
2) Trnka, M. et.al. Assessing the combined hazards of drought, soil erosion and local flooding on agricultural land: a Czech case study. Climate Research, Volume 70, Issue 2-3, 2016, st. 231–249, ISSN: 0936-577X
3) Howard, G., Calow, R., Macdonald, A., & Bartram, J. (2016). Climate change and water and sanitation: likely impacts and emerging trends for action. Annual review of environment and resources, 41, 253-276. (https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085856)
4) Pahl-Wostl, C. (2015). Water governance in the face of global change. From Understanding to Transformation. Springer.
Last update: Jeníček Pavel (31.08.2021)
1) Trnka, M. Změna klimatu. Brno: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, 2015
2) Howard, Guy, et al. "Climate change and water and sanitation: likely impacts and emerging trends for action." Annual review of environment and resources 41 (2016): 253-276.
3) Trnka, M. et.al. Assessing the combined hazards of drought, soil erosion and local flooding on agricultural land: a Czech case study. Climate Research, Volume 70, Issue 2-3, 2016, st. 231–249, ISSN: 0936-577X
4) Howard, G., Calow, R., Macdonald, A., & Bartram, J. (2016). Climate change and water and sanitation: likely impacts and emerging trends for action. Annual review of environment and resources, 41, 253-276. (https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-environ-110615-085856)
5) Pahl-Wostl, C. (2015). Water governance in the face of global change. From Understanding to Transformation. Springer.
Last update: Jeníček Pavel (31.08.2021)
Syllabus -
1. Changes in water management in the context of the Green Deal for Europe and Water 4.0. concept.
2. Climate change and the natural water cycle in nature on a global and local scale.
3. Precipitation extremes, water stress, structure of water consumption.