SubjectsSubjects(version: 960)
Course, academic year 2021/2022
Environmental chemistry: Laboratory - B251002
Title: Laboratoř environmentální chemie
Guaranteed by: Department of Environmental Chemistry (240)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2020 to 2022
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:4
E-Credits: summer s.:4
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/6, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unlimited (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Hendrych Jiří Ing. Ph.D.
Kroufek Jiří Ing. Ph.D.
Kujalová Hana Ing. Ph.D.
Class: Základní laboratoře
Is interchangeable with: AB251002
Examination dates   Schedule   
This subject contains the following additional online materials
Annotation -
Students acquire practical skills through the completion of laboratory tasks on the topics listed in the syllabus. They become familiar with cross-cutting issues of the area from the preparation and processing of matrices using instrumental techniques to evaluate and interpret the data.
Last update: Hendrych Jiří (23.01.2018)
Aim of the course -

Students will be able to:

apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in laboratory work and learn new practices, put into operation the instrumental technique, take data, process the data, draw conclusions, make documentation of the work and results.

Last update: Hendrych Jiří (23.01.2018)
Literature -

A: Standardized procedures related to the given topics

A: Klouda, P.; Moderní analytické metody; nakladatelství Pavel Klouda, 2003, ISBN: 80-86369-07-2.

Last update: Hendrych Jiří (23.01.2018)
Learning resources -

Study materials available on the web sites of Departments ensuring the laboratory:,,,

Manuals provided by the teacher before course.

Last update: Hendrych Jiří (11.02.2022)
Syllabus -

Leachability according to standard procedure and determination of selected parameters

Mineralization of solid matrix and determination of selected heavy metals

Determination of pesticides in an environmental matrix

Adsorbable organically bound halogens in an environmental matrix

Acidobasic characteristics of matrix, titration curve and metal mobilization risk

Activated sludge and its use in the biodegradability test

Determination of total organic substances and measurement of respiratory rate of sludge

Determination of nutrients, dissolved oxygen and BOD7 in surface waters

Evaluation of water aggressiveness by marble test

Determination of dry matter by various methods, determination of loss on ignition

Determination of hydrocarbon content by gravimetric method

Determination of hydrocarbons as C10 to C40 parameter by gas chromatography

Photometric determination of formaldehyde in air

Determination of nitrogen oxides in air

Last update: Kujalová Hana (17.09.2023)
Registration requirements -

Analytical chemistry I

Last update: Hendrych Jiří (23.01.2018)
Course completion requirements -

Completing all tasks. Evaluation is based on the tests before the laboratory works, performing the laboratory works and protocols creation.

Last update: Hendrych Jiří (23.01.2018)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Účast v laboratořích (na exkurzi nebo praxi) 3 84
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 1 28
4 / 4 112 / 112