Thanks to the rapidly improving availability of modern digital manufacturing technologies, tools that were
previously the preserve of well-equipped research and development facilities are now in the hands of the general
public. Therefore, the aim of this course is to familiarize its participants in a practical way with the wide
possibilities of modern software and hardware technologies and their application in everyday life. The intention is
not to give an exhaustive overview of the subject, but to provide the necessary foundations to enable later
independent development and creative work on their own scientific, educational and creative projects. The course
is structured into several loosely linked modules that thematically cover the most common areas such as
programming microcontrollers and their use for interacting with the physical world through sensors, 2D and 3D
objects modeling, work in virtual or augmented reality (AR/VR) environments, principles of 3D printing and
scanning, computer-aided cutting, engraving and machining techniques, and the basics of working with electronic
The course is taught in English with the possibility of consultations and assistance of Czech-speaking lecturers.
Last update: Krátká Jana (08.07.2024)
1. Bryant, S. C. Tinkercad. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018). 2. Seneviratne, P. Beginning BBC micro:bit: a practical introduction to micro:bit development. (Apress, 2018). 3. Bernier, S. N., Luyt, B. & Reinhard, T. Design for 3D printing scanning, creating, editing, remixing, and making in three dimensions. (Maker Media, 2020). 4. Lansdown, H. Digital modelmaking: laser cutting, 3D printing and reverse engineering. (The Crowood Press, 2019). 5. Scherz, P. & Monk, S. Practical electronics for inventors. (McGraw-Hill Education, 2016). 6. Malý, M. Hradla, volty, jednočipy: úvod do bastlení. (CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o., 2017). https://knihy.nic.cz/files/edice/hradla_volty_jednocipy.pdf Last update: Krátká Jana (08.07.2024)
Block 1: Introduction to Design Principles and Modeling Software (4 hours)
Explore fundamental design principles and acquire skills in 2D and 3D modeling software. Get an insight into the possibilities of virtual and augmented reality. Topics include block modeling, parametrization, and the basics of prototyping, providing a solid foundation in design. Block 2: Vector Graphics and Digital Conversion (4 hours) Master the basics of vector graphics with a focus on scanning techniques and converting data from the physical world to digital. Learn about computer-controlled cutting and engraving, emphasizing safety and material specifics, along with an introduction to engraving techniques. Block 3: Fundamentals of 3D Printing (4 hours) This introductory course to 3D printing covers design preparation, material selection, and post-production processes. It provides a comprehensive overview of the entire workflow in 3D printing. Block 4: Advanced 3D Printing Techniques (4 hours) You will expand your knowledge in 3D printing with advanced methods, including working with specialized materials (flexible, water soluble, etc.). You will learn how to prepare models using 3D scanning of the real object, advanced printer setup and stereolithography using resin printers. The block also covers finishing techniques such as gluing, painting, and vapor smoothing with organic compounds. Integration of G-code customization and other 3D modelling generation and optimization of slicing. Block 5: Microcontroller Programming and Sensors (4 hours) Learn microcontroller programming, particularly on the Micro:Bit platform. Discover how these devices interact with the physical world through sensors, and gain experience in using contact boards without the need for soldering. Block 6: Introduction to Basic Electronics (4 hours) This block covers the basics of electronic components and circuits. Emphasizing safety, including protection against Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), it introduces soldering techniques with THT and SMD components. Block 7: Systems Integration and CNC Machining Fundamentals (4 hours) Learn basic approaches to integrating systems into larger automated units. Combine the knowledge acquired in the previous blocks in the creation and presentation of your own mini-project. Gain insights into the fundamentals of CNC machining, including material selection, workplace safety, machine setup, and post-production finishing techniques. Devise your own ways on how to make the process, from a pseudo-code, to the creation of parts, resulting in novel ways to make your own laboratory technique, a novel approach to fabrication, or simply an integration of already existing components. Last update: Krátká Jana (08.07.2024)
interest in modern technology, own laptop Last update: Krátká Jana (08.07.2024)