SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2019/2020
Gas Industry - D216006
Title: Plynárenství
Guaranteed by: Department of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air protection (216)
Faculty: Faculty of Environmental Technology
Actual: from 2016 to 2022
Semester: both
Points: 0
E-Credits: 0
Examination process:
Hours per week, examination: 0/0, other [HT]
Capacity: winter:unknown / unknown (unknown)
summer:unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course is intended for doctoral students only
can be fulfilled in the future
you can enroll for the course in winter and in summer semester
Guarantor: Hlinčík Tomáš doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The subject is focused at broadening knowledge in the gas industry. Ph.D. Students are familiarized with natural gas production, unconventional sources of natural gas transport properties, compressibility factor calculation, qualitative and quantitative measurement of natural gas in the transfer stations. Then further using of natural gas as a chemical and energy feedstock.
Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)
Course completion requirements -

Exam + individual project

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)
Literature -

R: Kidnay A. J. a kol.: Fundamentals of natural gas processing, CRC Press, 2011.

R: Mokhatab S. a kol.: Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2015.

A: Wang X., Economides M.: Advanced Natural Gas Engineering, Gulf Publishing Company, 2009.

A: Kolektiv; Plynárenská příručka; GAS s.r.o., Praha 1997

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (31.05.2017)
Teaching methods -

Lectures, individual study, books, journals

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)
Requirements to the exam -


Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)
Syllabus -

1. Introduction. Theory of the origin of natural gas, migration and accumulation

2. Natural gas production

3. Natural gas processing

4. Unconventional natural gas

5. Liquefied natural gas

6. Transport properties of gases

7. Calculation of compression factor

8. Qualitative measurement of natural gas at transfer stations

9. Quantitative measurement of natural gas at transfer stations

10. Natural gas odorization

11. Gas to liquid

12. Use of natural gas as a chemical feedstock - production of synthesis gas

13. Use of natural gas as a chemical feedstock - direct use of natural gas

14. Use of natural gas as a chemical feedstock - indirect use of natural gas

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (31.05.2017)
Learning resources -

Ulmanova encyklopedie průmyslové chemie

Edice GAS s.r.o. Praha, časopisy Plyn, Energetika, All for Power

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (31.05.2017)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

Interpret contemporary theories of natural gas

Terms of mining and interchangeability

Assess the adjustment needed for raw natural gases before to their transport and distribution

The basic technology of chemical use of natural gases

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (31.05.2017)
Entry requirements -

Completed undergraduate studies

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)
Registration requirements -

Enegetics, Organic Chemistry

Last update: Hlinčík Tomáš (19.08.2016)