SubjectsSubjects(version: 962)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Chemistry and technology of fats II - M322013
Title: Chemie a technologie tuků II
Guaranteed by: Department of Dairy, Fat and Cosmetics (322)
Faculty: Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Actual: from 2022
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Filip Vladimír prof. Ing. CSc.
This subject contains the following additional online materials
Annotation -
The subject is focused on training of food technologist on the level to be able to combine scientific knowledge of chemical, biochemical, physical and engineering sciences in the branch of fat technology. It provides a basic overview of biochemical changes of stored oilseeds and their impact on a quality of raw oils. Raw oils are produced by unit operation of oil extraction by expelling and solvent extraction. Following refining processes set a preservation target of refined oil nutritional parameters. Oil and fat modifications lead to the production of structured fats with defined structural and textural properties for all food applications. Oleochemical applications are focused on fatty acid production and their derivatives for surfactant and cosmetic production.
Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Aim of the course - Czech

Studenti budou umět:

Sledovat, řídit a kontrolovat technologii tuků na úrovni dějů chemických, fyzikálních a inženýrských a z hlediska jejich vlivu na stav výrobku včetně případných změn v nutriční hodnotě.

Následně řešit provozní odchylku technologických parametrů od požadovaných.

Komunikovat s procesními a materiálovými inženýry.

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Literature -

R: Bockisch M.(1998): Fats and Oils Handbook. AOCS Press Champaign Ill., 838 stran, ISBN 0-935315-82-9

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Learning resources -

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Syllabus -

1.Oilseeds pretreament, oil extraction by expelling; screw press.

2.Solvent extraction of oilseeds. Processing of miscela and extraction meal.

3.Crude oil refining: pathway with alkaline neutralization or with physical refining.

4.Technology of hydratation/degumming, processes of deep degumming. Lecithin.

5.Alkaline neutralization. Adsorptive bleaching of oils and special bleaching for physical refining.

6.Deodorization and physical refining. Production of edible oils.

7.Modifition of TAG: view of processes. Hydrogenation of oils – partial vs. total process; hydrogenation of FA.

8.Production of structured fats and fat blends. Transesterification, enzymatic catalysis.

9.Fractional crystallization (fractionation) of fats. Fractions of palm oil. Winterization.

10.Food emulsifiers: production, properties and applications.11. Technology of margarine and shortening production. Whipped fats.

12.Oleochemistry, refining of technical fats, fat splitting. Technology of fatty acids: distillation.

13.Rectification and fractionation of FA: technology of stearic and oleic acid production. Derivatives of fatty acids, metal soaps.

14.Production of methylesters and esters. Production of glycrol.

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Registration requirements -

Food Chemistry, Biochemistry,Microbiology

Food (or Chemical) Engineering; Food and Biochemical Process Engineering.

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)
Course completion requirements -

oral examination.

Last update: Filip Vladimír (26.04.2022)