The course deals with analytical methods suitable for the analysis of natural compounds (products), namely IR, UV/VIS, NMR spectrometry, MS, chiroptical methods, and diffraction analysis.
Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
Give a basic overview of methods and usage of analytical methods like IR, UV/VIS, MS , and NMR spectroscopy, chiroptical methods, and diffraction analysis Choose an optimum combination of methods Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
1. McMurry J., Organic Chemistry, 5th ed., Brooks Cole. 2. Ning Y.-C., Structural Identification of Organic Compounds with Spectroscopic Techniques, Wiley-VCH Weinheim 2005. 3. Mictchell T.N., Costisella B., NMR-From Spectra to Structures, Springer Berlin 2007. 4. Field L.D., Sternhell S., Kalman J.R., Organic Structures from Spectra, Wiley Chichester 2008. 5. Günther H., NMR Spectroscopy, Wiley VCH Weinheim 2013. 6. Watson J.T., Sparkman O.D., Instroduction to Mass Spectroscopy, Wiley Chichester 2007. 7. Ning Y.-C., Interpretation of Organic Spectra, Wiley Cichester 2011.
8. Silverstein R.M., Bassler G.C., Morrill T.C.: Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, Fifth.Ed., John Willey and Sons, Inc. New York 1991. ( MS, IR, NMR, UV). 9. Stoddart J.F.: Stereochemistry v knize Comprehensive Organic Chemistry, Vol. I., str. 3; Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, 1979. 10. Stoddart J.F.: Stereochemistry of Carbohydrates, Willey-Interscience, New York 1971. 11. McLafferty F.W.: Interpretation of Mass Spectra, W.A.Benjamin,Inc. New York 1967. 12. http://www.spectroscopynow.com/ Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
http://www.spectroscopynow.com/view/index.html?tzcheck=1 Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
1. Overview of methods for structural analysis of natural compounds 2. Vibrational-rotational spectrometry 3. Raman spectrometry 4. Spectrometry in UV and visible region of light 5. 1H Nuclear magnetic resonance 6. Karplus equation and conformational study 7. NMR spectra interpretation 8. 13C Nuclear magnetic resonance 9. NMR applications for the study of chiral compounds 10. Mass spectrometry 11. Ionization methods, fragmentation paths 12. Chiroptical methods 13. Diffraction methods 14. Identification of an unknown compound Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
Bioorganic chemistry of natural compounds Chemistry of natural compounds Last update: Kubová Petra (19.12.2017)
Předmět je zakončen samostatným projektem identifikace neznámé přírodní látky. Zkouška je ústní. Last update: MORAVCOJ (27.02.2018)