SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2019/2020
Advanced Food Technology I - M352004
Title: Technologie potravin oboru I
Guaranteed by: Dean's Office of Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology (352)
Faculty: Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology
Actual: from 2019
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:5
E-Credits: summer s.:5
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:4/0, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Bubník Zdeněk prof. Ing. CSc.
Filip Vladimír prof. Ing. CSc.
Rajchl Aleš doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Interchangeability : N352013
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The subject is focused on training of food technologist on the level to be able to combine scientific knowledge of chemical, biochemical, microbiological, physical and engineering sciences. The offer covers: sugar technology, technology of chocolate and confectionery, dairy technology, technology of oils and production of fats, meat technology, technology of fruit and vegetables and technology of ready-to-use food. The subject is replenished with actual trends of food technology.
Last update: Hladíková Jana (18.01.2018)
Literature -

R: Asadi M. (2007): Beet-Sugar Handbook. Willey-Interscience a John Willey and Sons, Inc., Publication. 866 stran. ISBN 0-471-76347-0.

R: Minifie B.W.(1999): Chocolate, Cocoa and Confectionery - Science and Technology, Aspen Publishers Inc., ISBN-0-8342-1301-X.

R: Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa (2010): Chocolate Science and Technology, Wiley Blackwell, ISBN-13: 978-1405199063.

R: Bylund G. (1995):Dairy Processing Handbook. Tetra Pak Processing Systems AB Lund Sweden, 436 stran.ISBN 9163134276.

R: Onwulata Ch. I., Huth P. J.: Whey Processing, Functionality and Health Benefits. Wiley-Blackwell, Ames 2008, ISBN 978-0-8138-0903-8.

R:Bockisch M.(1998): Fats and Oils Handbook. AOCS Press Champaign Ill., 838 stran, ISBN 0-935315-82-9

R:Izumimoto,M (2002): Meat in Science and Industry. 1.ed. University Education Press. Okayama. ISBN 88730-505-2

R:Lawrie,R.A.: Meat Science. 7.ed. Woodhead Publishing Cambridge2006 ISBN 1 84569 159 8.

R: Somogyi L.P., Ramaswamy H.S. , Hui Y.H.(1996): Processing Fruits: Science and Technology, Volume 1, Biology principles and applications, Technomic, ISBN 1-56676-362-2.

R: Light, N.D., Walker, A.: Cook-chill catering - technology and management. 1.ed., London and New York, Elsevier Science Publisher LTD, 1990, 363 s., ISBN 1-85166-437-8

R: Hwang, A., Huang, L. (eds.): Ready-to eat foods: microbial concerns and control measures.1.ed., Boca Raton, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010, 259 s., ISBN 978-1-4200-6862-7

Last update: Hladíková Jana (18.01.2018)
Syllabus -

1. a) Sugar and its use in food and non-food applications. Sugar industry in the world.

b) Technologically important properties and polydisperse system in milk.

c) Physical properties of fatty acids and triacylglycerols: crystalline structure, polymorphism.

d) Meat and meat products - definitions, quality aspects nutritional importance, sources of meat

e) Importance and history of fruit processing industry. Transport and preliminary operations (sorting, washing, peeling, destining, desteming, cutting, etc.).

f) Introduction, terminology, category of ready-to-use food

2. a) Sugar laboratory, laboratory methods for technology control. Specification of concentrations.

b) Microbiology of milk and technologically important microorganisms.

c) Phase equilibrium of TAG in the system (s-l ),SFC. CBS, CBE a CBR fats. Fractional crystalization.

d) Properties of meat: colour, texture, flavour

e) Stabilization of raw materials during processing (blanching, antioxidation dipping, osmotic dehydration, etc.).

f) The principles of shelf-life extension of ready-to-use food

3. a) Beet operation. Slicing. Juice extraction, extractors. Pulp pressing and drying of pressed pulp. Lime kiln and hydration of lime.

b) Production of milk and quality evaluation for dairy processing.

c) Phase equilibrium of TAG and FA in the system (l-g).

d) Overview of meat products, properties, forming of structure, classification after shelf-life and use

e) Texture adjustment (application of hydrocolloids, maceration, pressing, homogenization).

f) The fundamental technological operations by ready-to-use food production

4. a) Juice purification, preliming, liming, 1st and 2nd carbonation, filtration, mud separation.

b) Heat treatment of milk, cooling, thermization, sterilization and UHT treatment.

c) Molecul distillatin and steam distillation.

d) Shelf-life of meat, hilling and freezing of meat, changes during storage

e) Texture adjustment (pectin gel forming, centrifugation, filtration, concentration).

f) The traditional ready-to-use food production technologies (canning, freezing and drying)

5. a) Juice heating and evaporation. Steam production and modifications, diagrams.

b) Use of separators in dairy technology. Skimming and standardization of milk.

c) Consistency of fats as thixotropic and viscoplastic substances.

d) Shelf-life of meat products, production operation, storage conditions

e) Preservation of fruit and vegetable products (heat sterilization, drying, freezing, fermentation, etc.).

f) Cook-chill technology

6. a) Crystallization, evaporating crystallization and centrifuging.

b) Further possibilities of reduction of microorganisms, bactofugation and microfiltration.

c) Technologically important reactions occurring on the carboxylic group of fatty acids, fatty acohols.

d) Raw materials - meat, additives, other materials.

e) Production of piece goods (stewed fruit, canned vegetable).

f) Sous-vide technology

7. a) Modeling and balances. Heat and water economy.

b) Homogenisation of milk and its technological application.

c) Hydrolysis of esterrs. Interesterification: acidolysis and alcoholysis, Esterification of FA.

d) Operation in meat production: salting, curing, mincing, mixing.

e) Production of piece goods (dried fruit and vegetable, frozen fruit and vegetable, products preserved by lactic fermentation, candied fruit, etc.).

f) Delicatessen production, assortment classification, technology, good praxis principles

8. a) Sugar refining. Inventory calculation. White sugar products. Cane sugar manufactory.

b) Interplant transport of milk. Storage and process tanks. Process control.

c) Transesterification of TAG, structural TAG and structured fats. Mono- and diacylglycerols.

d) Heat treatment in production and at consumer, meat preserves.

e) Production of macerated products (fruit semiproducts, jam and marmalades).

f) Food safety principles application, GMP, GHP, 10 gold rules WHO, HACCP

9. a) History and legislation of chocolate and confectionery. Confectionery raw materials, cocoa beans, nuts, dyes e.g.

b) Production of pasteurized and sterilized milk and cream.

c) Technologically important reactions and relevant interactions of the hydrocarbon chains of fatty acids.

d) Forming and packaging of meat products, technological a distribution packaging materials, filling of sausage mixture.

e) Production of macerated products (tomato and spinach paste, ketchup).

f) Product development

10. a) Basic and modified flow sheet of chocolate production - roasting, grinding, winnowing, milling, mixing, refining, conching, tempering. forming, cooling, package

b) Properties of cream and its treatment for butter production. Physical and biological ripening of cream.

c) Oxidation and polymerization; nitorgen derivatives of FA.

d) Smoking, drying and fermentation; forming of specific flavour, modern control of processes.

e) Production of cloudy drinks and fruit baby food.

f) Technological news, instruments of technological optimization

11. a) Physico-chemical properties of cocoa butter and alternatives. Technology of cocoa powder and instant powders. Principles of confectionery technology.

b) Production of butter and mixed emulsified fats, their properties and evaluation.

c) Oxidation stability of oils, fats and emulsions. Antioxidants. Vitamin fortification of commercial edible oils.

d) Quality meat products and defects

e) Production of clear juices.

f) Equipment for ready-to-use food production

12. a) Physico-chemical properties of confectionery solutions, transition phases. Technology of candy and fondant.

b) Technology of ice-cream, its properties and evaluation.

c) Oilseeds, oils and fats. Potential of vegetable oils for nutrition and for oleochemistry.

d) Health benefits and risks.

e) Production of juice concentrates.

13. a) Technology of confectionery jelly. etc. Engineering calculations of confectionery processes.

b) Evaporation of milk, production and evaluation of condensed milk products.

c) Storage and transportation of oilseeds and crude oils.

d) Correct storage and manipulation with meta and meat products

e) Production juice syrups and lemonades.

14. a) Process control of confectionery technology.

b) Drying of milk and whey. Technology, properties and evaluation of dried milk products.

c) Seed pretreatment, mechanical expeller pressing. Oilseed processing.

d) Culinary treatment of meat and meat products.

e) Special production - pectin, mustard, fruit wines, etc.


a) Sugar technology, Technology of chocolate and confectionery: 3+2 credits / 34+22 hours

b) Dairy technology 3 credits / 34 hours

c) Technology of fats:2 kr credits / 22 hours

d) Meat technology:- overview 1 / 11 hours

e) Fruit and Vegetable Processing -owerview 3 credits / 34 hours

f) Technology of ready-to-use food 1 / 11 hours

Last update: Filip Vladimír (02.03.2018)
Learning resources -

Last update: Filip Vladimír (02.03.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

monitor and control food technology on the level of chemical, microbial, physical and engeneering processes and possible nutritional changes to get standard food product;

resolve problems in technology;

communicate with process and material engineers.

Last update: Hladíková Jana (18.01.2018)
Registration requirements -

Food Chemistry, Biochemistry,Microbiology

Food (or Chemical) Engineering; Food and Biochemical Process Engineering.

Last update: Filip Vladimír (02.03.2018)