SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2019/2020
Analytical Chemistry: Semestral Work II - N402047
Title: Semestrální práce oboru analytická chemie II
Guaranteed by: Department of Analytical Chemistry (402)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2017 to 2020
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:7
E-Credits: summer s.:7
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/7, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Mestek Oto prof. Ing. CSc.
Setnička Vladimír prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Class: Specializační laboratoř
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Guided by the appointed teacher, students carry out a bibliographic search on a given subject (usually related to the diploma work).
Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Literature -

Students look for the literature alone.

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Teaching methods -

Individual work of student, consultation with the supervising teacher or guarantor.

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Requirements to the exam -

Structured text (20-40 pages). Guide for authors of the journal Chemické listy is obligatory for the word processing. Final text must be signed by the supervising teacher. Evaluation is based on the keeping the topic of the search, its up-to-dateness, and compliance with the formal requirements of the Journal (Chemické listy).

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Syllabus -

Themes of the bibliographic seach are announced in the first month of the semester, submission date is decided by the head of the Department of Analytical Chemictry (usually 30th June).

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Learning resources -


Last update: VED402 (24.09.2013)
Learning outcomes -

Students learn to work with bibliographic sources and the relevant information compile into a logical text, describing current state of the research in the given problematic.

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Entry requirements -

Passing a course on chemical informatics.

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Registration requirements -

Passing a course on chemical informatics.

Last update: VED402 (23.09.2013)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Konzultace s vyučujícími 0.5 14
Práce na individuálním projektu 2.9 80
3 / 7 94 / 196
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Report from individual projects 100