The course focuses on creating spreadsheet applications and MS Excel spreadsheet templates that can automatically process the physico-chemical, economic or form data, numerical analysis, etc. The course presents an application development model of "what-if" approach using the advanced capabilities of a spreadsheet (without programming) and then MS Excel VBA programming language (programming language built into MS Office suite), which is necessary for programming applications.
Last update: Finkeová Jana (11.07.2013)
Studenti jsou povinni absolvovat souhrnný test, který ověřuje znalosti z látky probírané za celý semestr a trvá 50 minut. K vypracování testu nelze využít žádných písemných či elektronických materiálů nebo pomůcek. Klasifikovaný zápočet je udělován na základě bodového hodnocením souhrnného testu a obdrží ho ti studenti, kteří získají alespoň 50 z maximálních 100 bodů. Last update: Nachtigalová Iva (13.02.2018)
R: Walkenbach J. Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA, Wiley 2007, ISBN: 0470044012 R: Walkenbach J. Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA, Wiley 2010, ISBN: 0470475358
Last update: Fialová Jana (30.09.2013)
The 3-hour course starts with one-hour lecture followed by a two-hour thematic exercises in a computer lab where students solve tasks together and gradually step by step create sample applications like templates, custom functions, makros and dialog boxes. Each student works on his own computer at the same time regularly alternates with with other students at the teacher's computer and actively participates in the preparation of the specification in discussion with others. In the exercises, students learn to work with on-line resources as well. Last update: Nachtigalová Iva (22.07.2013)
1. Templates - types, editing, use, principles of creation. 2. Advanced MS Excel skills used in templates - conditional formatting, formatting own formats, data validation, search, etc. 3. Introduction to VBA - lexical structure, data types, constants, variables, arrays, control commands, VB Editor. 4. Function in VBA - declaration, input parameters, return values, error handling, debugging. 5. Object model in Excel VBA - object hierarchy, container handling, collections, methods, and properties. 6. Macros in VBA - declaration, parameters, calls, communication with users using built-in windows, error handling, debugging. 7. Project 1. 8. Events and VBA - objects and their events, OnTime onkey event. 9. User Interface - modification of ribbon, creating and editing RibbonX code. 10. UserForms in VBA - design, opening, closing, cancellations and other events, ActiveX controls. 11. Forms controls and ActiveX controls - inserting elements, editing features and format elements (in VBA), linking elements with procedures and cells. 12. Development of robust application with its own functions, macros and user interfaces. 13. Cooperation MS Excel with other programs in MS Office VBA, references to object libraries. 14. Project 2. Last update: Finkeová Jana (11.07.2013)
http://spreadsheetpage.com/ Last update: Finkeová Jana (11.07.2013)
Students will be able to:
Last update: Nachtigalová Iva (22.07.2013)
Course assumes basic skills in MS Excel spreadsheet (addressing and formatting of cells, working with data, formulas and functions built-in worksheets, creating and formatting graphs) and knowledge of the standard Solver and Data Analysis. Last update: Finkeová Jana (11.07.2013)
Applications of Computer Science Last update: Finkeová Jana (11.07.2013)
Teaching methods | ||||
Activity | Credits | Hours | ||
Účast na přednáškách | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi | 1 | 28 | ||
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování | 1 | 28 | ||
Účast na seminářích | 1 | 28 | ||
4 / 4 | 112 / 112 |
Coursework assessment | |
Form | Significance |
Continuous assessment of study performance and course -credit tests | 100 |