SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2019/2020
Senzoric and Cybernetics in Chemistry: Term Project I - N445026
Title: Semestrální projekt oboru Senzorika a kybernetika v chemii I
Guaranteed by: Department of Computing and Control Engineering (445)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2013 to 2020
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:2
E-Credits: summer s.:2
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:0/2, MC [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Guarantor: Soušková Hana Ing. Ph.D.
Class: Specializační laboratoř
Is interchangeable with: M445008
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
Students will be given the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting applications, broaden their knowledge and skills in problem solving of complex character associated with the use of informatics disciplines. This is an individual comprehensive work to demonstrate the ability to solve the given technical problem. Assigned works are in relation to research and teaching issues of ICT.
Last update: TAJ445 (14.12.2013)
Course completion requirements -

1. Consultation with the project manager.

2. Written report on the project solution.

3. Oral presentation.

Last update: SOUSKOVH (02.02.2018)
Literature -

R:Saltz I.,Základy typografie,Slovart,Praha,2010,9788073914042.

Last update: TAJ445 (30.09.2013)
Teaching methods - Czech

Individuální konzultace, samostatná práce.

Last update: SOUSKOVH (12.11.2012)
Syllabus -

1.Formulation of project objectives.

2.Work on sub-tasks, communication with supervisor, working with literary sources.

3.Evaluation of achievements.

4.Written report on the project.

5.Oral presentation of project results.

Last update: SOUSKOVH (04.07.2013)
Learning resources -


CSN ISO 690-2

Last update: SOUSKOVH (04.07.2013)
Learning outcomes -

Students will be able to:

1. perform theoretical research report and regularly consult with the supervisor

2. solve individually or in groups the problems relating to the aim of the project

3. well prepare a written report on the project

4. critically evaluate the proposed solution

5. orally present the results achieved

Last update: TAJ445 (14.12.2013)
Registration requirements -

Mastering all previous subjects is assumed.

Last update: SOUSKOVH (04.07.2013)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Konzultace s vyučujícími 0.5 14
Obhajoba individuálního projektu 0.5 14
Práce na individuálním projektu 1 28
2 / 2 56 / 56
Coursework assessment
Form Significance
Regular attendance 20
Defense of an individual project 60
Report from individual projects 20